Many comments have been about Bethesda Softworks's decision to take the nukes out of Japan's release of Fallout 3. Frankly, I applaud Bethesda Softworks for having what I will term "cultural sensitivity"; though many seem to have chalked up this decision as an act of "political correctness" or "censorship". Those accusations couldn't be further from the truth.
Irrational censorship or the kind of "political correctness" that is traditionally despised has to do with distorting a message so thoroughly that it destroys a part of the message. This happens when people use terms like "diversity awareness" to mask the term "racism", or "gender sensitivity" to avoid the term "sexism"; these are code phrases created to diminish the reaction from the public to topics that involve these dicey subjects. By creating these tapioca pudding-like terms, we, in essence, remove a portion of the message. Sexism, racism, and the other "isms" that we are conscious of in today's society are serious problems, and people need to be conscious of the problems in our society, and the history that created those problems.
Because our society decided to be conscious of the history that created racism, America elected Barack Obama, our first Black president, on Tuesday, November 4th, 2008. Because our society decided to be conscious of the history that created sexism, we've had Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Rodham-Clinton, and Sarah Palin take sledgehammers to the "glass ceiling" that separates women and men, doing irreparable damage to that barrier. And though people may have issues with the individual positions of the people I've just mentioned, the strides our country has made towards equality in its truest sense are undeniable.
The second that any gaming company releases a game where the player takes the role of a person who hijacks a plane with intent to fly it in to a government building, or straps a bomb to their chest in order to blow themselves up along with 30 or 40 people waiting at a subway train station, they will have effectively signed their own financial death note. Why? Because our society will not accept that someone was insensitive enough to replicate those events that we deem as dark spots in our history. Our society will not stand for a company that is not conscious of that event, and our actions will display that.
Our society needs to be conscious of the fact that we attacked Japan using the single-most destructive weapon ever used in human history. Our society needs to be conscious of the fact that, as mentioned in Gamespot's article, Japan is the ONLY COUNTRY EVER to have had that power wielded against it. Our society needs to be conscious of the fact that over 200,000 lives were extinguished in two bombings that only took minutes. That is not, and should not be, something you "get over" in 10 years, 20 years, or 50 years. It's a sad part of the world's history that will certainly be repeated in countries other than Japan if we don't do our part to recognize and remember the atrocities that took place in August 1945.Â
Bethesda Softworks, I applaud you for your efforts in this department. Thank you for realizing that taking the option to nuke a city (which is not even necessary for progression of the game) out of the Japanese release of Fallout 3 does not ruin the game, or diminish the quality of your product. It simply shows that you respect their past and history.
Bethesda Softworks, thank you for understanding the difference between cultural sensitivity and irrational censorship. I only wish that more of society would understand that this kind of empathy is necessary for the growth and safety of our global society.
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