As I woke up and checked GameSpot this morning, I was informed that sales of Wii C-lassic, Gamecube, and Wavebird controllers may be banned due to a lawsuit filed against Nintendo by a company called Anascape. If you read the responses to that article, you'll get a lot of information about people's opinions about Anascape, Nintendo, patent policy, and the like.
Let me say this: I love you, Nintendo. I've loved you ever since Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt was brought in to my house in the 1988. I've owned every incarnation of every American-released Nintendo system (with the exception of the Virtual Boy; my parents wouldn't let me get one because of the headaches and such). I'm sure I'll remain a fanboy until you die out or are bought out or merger or whatever.
So my question to you, Nintendo: how could you let this controller thing happen?
Nintendo, you are a multi-billion dollar international corporation. And, regardless of how I feel about American patent rights, I have to refer to anectodal wisdom when I say, "When in Rome, do as the Romans do." When you sell in America, you play by the rules America sets down. You can't tell me that, as a multi-billion dollar international corporation, you didn't know that your six-axis specifications were similar to Anascape's. Are you really going to try to tell me that you thought your design was different enough to escape prosecution? You know the game, invented the game!
I can let all that slide...I know business is business, and there's lots of cut-throat tactics and back-alley dealings, even with companies where they specialize in marketing Italian plumbers and other rather bright and shiny things. Go ahead and let business be business; that's the result of our American laissez-faire economics.
But as much as I love Nintendo, and regardless of how I feel about how Anascape responded, this situation inevitably gives the shaft to one party: the consumer.
It is at this point that I find your actions unacceptable, Nintendo.
Nintendo, I've always respected you for your dedication to us, the consumer. Whether a casual gamer or a hardcore veteran, you have always taken care of us. It is with recent trends in your consumer care that I have held you in particularly high regards, Nintendo...from the Wiimote jacket being shipped with no-cost directly to my house to the feather stylus I got for my purchase of Phantom Hourglass, you've done many a thing to make me feel special and appreciated lately, Nintendo. And though you forgot to get me flowers for our anniversary, I suppose I can excuse that, too...But this?
I've put up with many of your flaws, Nintendo...from choosing cartridge for the N64 to your tendency to insta-drop any and all systems not your foremost on the market (do you know how jealous it makes me to still see PS2 games in production? ). I've stuck by your side because, though I've suffered, I've seen a positive result and reason to your actions, and I know that every choice has some sort of poor consequence. I've always hoped that you've chosen the best policy, Nintendo...
Oh wait, more anectodal knowledge on the line.... "Honesty is the best policy."
Nintendo, I've looked up to you ever since I was little. I've always wanted to work for you in marketing or development or something because I've always felt that you put your customer first more than any other gaming company. But now your decision-making has potentially impacted the consumer in a serious way. Considering the scarcity of Wiis, and the low price-level of the Gamecube, many people's alternative while waiting for the Wii could have been the Gamecube. Also, as it is the cheapest last-gen system available, many a consumer looking for a price-effective gaming experience could have gone with the Gamecube. But who will buy a system with no controllers available for purchase? The customer becomes deprived of many quality games on the Gamecube, as well as many Virtual Console titles simply because of poor business practices, Nintendo. Shame, shame, shame.
Keep your eyes on the prize, Nintendo. We know that you're looking out for us customers. Even if it means waiting a couple extra months for quality and security, we can do that. Please keep yourself safe; it keeps us safe, and ensures that you can continue to provide us a quality and enriching gaming experience.