Scurge: Hive was at my local EB Games for $9.99 new. A DS game for $9.99? I was a little confused.
I read the review on GameSpot to learn that the game seemed to be a blatant Metroid rip-off, but still a quality game.
With concern, I still ventured back to my game shop, purchased the game, and began to play it.
So the production value may not have been high. So there may have not been a lot of hype. So it most-definitely IS a Samus Aran rip-off. On all these points I agree.
But the game is still great.
Games like Mystic Heroes, Scurge: The Hive, and many others seem to fall in to the cracks, games with great potential and good reviews that simply get no play. Zack and Wiki: The Quest for Barbaros' Treasure? Fantastic (and funny) puzzle game. And it sat on Wal-Mart's shelves for $20 while SoulCalibur Legends sold for $40.
Now, maybe that's a blessing. Keeping SoulCalibur Legends out of the hands of ANYONE is really a wise idea, and maybe this is Wal-Mart doing it's part to attempt to place quality games in to the hands of the public?
I doubt it.
Now, yes, there is some fault on the part of producers of these game. Market Scurge a little better. Advertise Mystic Heroes. Don't name your game "Zack and Wiki: The Quest for Barbaros' Treasure", put a flying golden monkey and (what seems to be) an 11-year old boy wearing a yellow rain slicker and an oversized costume-shop pirate hat on the cover. But still, we as gamers help to fix these problems.
What makes gaming communities like this great is that we have an opportunity to keep other gamers informed about games that they may not have otherwise tried out. Not only does this enhance our gaming experience, but it supplies third-party developers with motivation to continue creating games that aren't "Mega Man Battle Network (oh, excuse me, "Star Force") 37: Random Compilation of Letters That's Supposed to Sound Hip and Trendy".
So, if you get the chance, shell out the nominal amount of money it'll cost to find a copy of Scurge, DS/GBA owners. And keep an eye out for those games that look a little off the wall, or are ones you haven't heard about...they could end up in your favorites collection in no time.