Well, honestly, I'm not too sure that anybody's interested, but, as I'm slowly trying to incorporate myself more and more into this wonderful, wonderful website, I figure that I might as well have a more succulent profile, right?
My thoughts right now? Well, I'm lazy. Kind of. I never seem to be able to get around to doing too much, as I always seem to have an immense number of games handy that are are on the top of my "To-Do List". I have been trying to find much free time for myself in hopes of finally setting some of these titles in my possession to DONE. I also relatively recently inherited an X-Box (yeah, I'm a little behind in the times, and poor - so sue me! My GameCube's been good to me!), which has left me running around purchasing tons of old (but good!) games, but now I find that I'm wanting to play them all at once. Where to start, where to start? Man man man. Well, maybe I'll just finish Mega Man Anniversary Collection and Indigo Prophecy at the same time, while keeping Amazing Island going for my wife... Maybe. We'll see.
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