Thanks, of course, to the judges and to Adam for running the contest and giving me such positive results. Honestly, the way Kevin Van Ord responded is exactly what I wanted to hear - what I set out to do was leave behind the "teasing glimpses and half-hearted attempts" (as I said in my doc) of the previous Matrix titles and make the Matrix game that always should have been. I also was gunning for second place actually rather than first (I felt someone with an original IP should take the top spot) so I'm quite happy to see shoun's Forsaken Earth take 1st place. I can't post my document right now (laptop is broken, DSL is not yet installed, I'm posting this on borrowed time from a lab computer) but I will put it up as soon as I can.
I should also add that thinking about my design more yielded some things I think would have made it even better (I'm sure I echo all the contestants in that) and reading about Cliffy B's speech on iterative design at GDC really made me think about what it would do for M:FfF. But that's mostly just for me to worry about. Congratulations to all my fellow contestants, and I can't wait to read your documents.
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