Wanderer5 / Member

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Birthday time once again

Well today is May 5th and that means it my Birthday.:D I am now 19 and... I don't know how I feel.:P Hope today is going to be good.:)

I also like to talk about a game I got yesterday on PSN. It called Lead and Gold: Gangs of the Wild West.

It alreadly came out on PC a month ago, and it was just released on PSN yesterday. I was kinda worry about this game after hearing the flaws that the PC version had (problems like lag and such. Kotaku really was brutal on this game), however not only that the developers fixed alot of the problems on the PC version I think, they made sure that the PSN version was going to run just fine, and it does. The game is kinda like a old western TF2 type game. You got two teams, four clas.ses to pick, and really requires teamwork lol. You won't survive long if you are a lone wolf lol. Anyway pretty fun, the modes are good, pretty simple to play, and there hardly any lag. Could have gotten the PC version, but I am happy with the PSN version. Definitely worth $15.:)