Hello! Well as i am going through college, I been playing two awesome games (besides TF2). The first one is Dissidia: Final Fantasy which I been loving so much. There are just tons of stuff to do, and it just a very fun game. My top favorite characters are the Warrior of Light, Cecil, Squall, and Tidus. I been going through story mode a lot. So far I beaten six story modes (Warrior of Light, Firion, Squall, Cloud, Cecil, and Tidus). So I really loving the game despite some minor flaws, like the camera. I probably will write a review for it.
Meanwhile I been playing No More Heroes too, which i love for the most part. I really love the characters especially Destory Man.:P The combat is fine, and I actually don't mind those side questjobslike mowning a lawn, and picking up trash.:P This game is so crazy, and I really like that style. However I really hate the overworld. You get a somewhat big area, yet nothing really happens much, so it gets boring, and it is fill with pop ins and other graphics problems. To make matters worse, the motocycle controls are so clunky. I hope they improve the overworld in the sequel. Otherwise I love the game.