Well I am now probably like 2 1/2 to 3 hours into Persona 4. And I have to say, that so far, it so awesome. First off the story is very interesting so far, and I like the characters so far, especially Yosuke. He so funny lol. The voice acting is pretty good, and the music is so catchy (can't stop listening to them:P). For the core gameplay which I finally did get to that part, well I guess I need to play it more and get used to it, because I can tell it more then a turn based system, but I don't what to really say about it, beside that it fine so far, through the rush thing with the triangle button is a little annoying, because I click the button by accident and it kinda mess up my tactics at times lol. The only real problem I have so far, was the pace for the first two hours. It was slow, because the first two hours were mostly talking. Thankfully the story was interesting so it wasn't a big deal to me, but it may be to some. The pace will pick up once you get to the first dungeon. Anyway overall I am enjoying it.:)
Now then the other thing I am going to mention is that I decided to do some awards. I am going to do two top five games of 08. One for Console/PC and one for Handhelds. I could do the handhelds top 5 soon, however I won't be able to do Console/PC top 5 yet because I need to play World Tour Wii and Prince of Persia before I do, so that one may come in Jan. I will probably do my impression on how 2008 was in terms of gaming (not going to give impressions on the 360, or PS3). Well that it for now.