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I went to E3, and E3 games impression part 1.

No I am not kidding, I did went to E3 today.:) I was invited to help take pictures for Pro vs G.I Joe Guitar Hero tournament, but I was able went around to explore the place most of the time. I have played quite a few games, and I am going to be nice and gives some impressions for at least most of them. I also going to split them up into a couple of blogs since it probably going to take a while to put it in one blog lol. For now I am going to give the list of games I played and give a impressions to three games. And here is the games I played.

Spyborgs (Wii)
New Super Mario Bros Wii (Wii)
Sin and Punishment 2 (Wii)
Red Steel 2 (Wii)
Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days (DS)
Professor Layton 2 (DS)
Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince (Wii)
Dissidia: Final Fantasy (PSP)
Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier (PSP)
The Conduit (Wii)
Silent Hill: Shattered Memories (Wii)
Dead Space: Extraction (Wii)
Resident Evil: Dark Side Chronicles (Wii)
Muramasa: The Demon Blade (Wii)

I am also going to upload a lot of pics too, so keep a eye on those. Anyway now comes the impressions. Here are three games I will give impressions for now:

Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days: Impressive overall. Unlike the previous KH games, this one seems to be more mission based, where you can get rewards when to beat them. The mission I did was in Twilight Town where I need to beat this guardian boss. I was playing as Roxas, and Axel was a AI party member. The gameplay is pretty much the same as the previous KH games, which is fine to me, andthe graphics look amazing.The only problem I had was that controlling the camera while fighting is a bit annoying at times. You control the camera by using the touch screen, and doing that while fighting or moving out of the way is as I say a bit annoying. Of course there is the lock on, but still. Otherwise I enjoy the demo, and I can't wait for the game.

Silent Hill: Shattered Memories: I was very impress with this one. I decided to skip the beginning part, and choose that part where the town turn into ice of horror. It starts out pretty quiet yet creepy, then you meet the monsters, where your only option is to run. Most of the demo I play is running for my life through hallway after hallway, while looking back (there a button where you can glance back) and seeing monsters chasing after me. It was really scary, and the sound effects help it too. I will also like to add that this game has probably the best lighting effects for a Wii game. Overall I enjoy this demo, and it looks like the Wii is getting a good horror game.

New Super Mario Bros Wii: Pretty much it like NSMB DS but with 4 player co-op. I was playing a couple levels with three other people, and we had a blast. There is Mario, Luigi, and two toads that the players will play. There nothing much to say more on this game at the moment, but with four people, it is very fun. Shame it won't have online.

Well that is it for now, so I will keep posting impressions in the next few days.:)