July and AitD.
by Wanderer5 on Comments
Well first off I decided that since I finished Alone in the Dark(I been playing it a lot, and it wasn't that long of a game) I going to review it. All I can say is that it not worth the $50 and my rating for it is going to be one of my lowest. I going to make the review in a couple of days. Okay, now then, July is going to be exciting. First off I can't wait to see the Dark Knight, which is my most want to see movie this year. And then Final Fantasy IV DS is coming on July 22nd, which I pretty excited about too. Then today there been some great news. Chrono Trigger is coming to the DS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!!!!!!!!!! I wanted to play this game, and now I can finally play it.:D Oh thank you SE!!!