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Microsoft Press Conference

Well today is the start of E3 and Microsoft press conference ended a couple of hours. Overall it was kinda good. FFXIII IS COMING TO THE 360!!! Man that kinda a blow on Sony, but don't worry it still coming to the PS3. Banjo 360, Gears of Wars 2, and The Last Remnant looks good(through TLR trailers was a little short). The Last Remnant was confirm to have a PC version which is good news IMO, since it look like a good game. And then The first Banjo game is coming to XBLA.:D

However there were some things which I didn't think look great. First off I am kinda piss that Portal: Still Alive is a 360 exclusive(or that what they said). I hope Valve create a PC version. I also think most of the casual stuff look lame. The avatars look like a Mii/second life rip off, Lips and Scene it doesn't look bad, through they don't look anything special. Finally, Your In The Movies look very lame and a eyetoy ripoff.

So that my impression. After this I may get a 360, but whether I decide to get it or the PS3, I probably won't get one of them for a while. Anyway I can't wait for Nintendo and Sony conference tomorrow.