Wanderer5 / Member

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Today at E3.

Well I am back from being busy today, and there quite a few interesting stuff I found about.

  • Dang that new 360 is small.
  • Rising looks very good. Haven't seen the video yet through.
  • So that castlevania game was true and like before I am not impress in it. I just not sure about it and how the graphics look like the DS ones. Shouldn't it be HD?
  • That Project Dust game looks interesting. I like its style.
  • No Mirror's Edge 2? **** you EA.:cry:
  • Goldeneye remake for the Wii! Through after looking at the trailer it looks unimpressive.:? I don't know it could probably be fun and splitscreen is a huge plus.
  • Sly Cooper Collection for the PS3! So getting it, and could this mean Sly 4 soon?:o I guess we will have to see at Sony Conference.
  • Michael Jackson game...?

Those are just some quick thoughts from what I seen so far and there still much to see, but I am tired.:PCan't wait to start watching E3 stuff on GS tomorrow and I hope Nintendo and Sony conferences are going to be good. I will give impressions on those conferences and some of what I see at E3 tomorrow.