Blog 372.
Today was OK. Billy didn't bother me too much, even though I can't stand simply looking at him. He was talking to Anthony, which I hated, but whatever. Then Billy had the nerve to be mean to my friend Kristy. He thinks he's tough. She was standing talking to me and he was behind her and instead of saying, "Excuse me," he said, "If someone doesn't move out of the way..." and sounded like he was leading into a threat, and tried to squeeze around her. While he was right there, I said, "No, maybe some people should drop a few pounds so they can actually fit through!" He hit me in the back of the head with a book and I was about to beat the crap out of him, but that would ruin my record, which I didn't want. I dare him to try it outside of school. I'm bisexual and potentially bi-polar, don't screw with me.
Today was OK with Anthony I guess. He has a sexy haircut. RAWR. I have an orientation at High Tech on May 1st. I don't know if he has to go on the same day though. But anyway, at graduation, my parents will be sitting with Gloria's parents and BILLY'S! God help us all. My parents cannot stand his mother, and I cannot stand her son.
Confirmation Countdown: 18 days.
Graduation Countdown: 60 days.
H2: 143 days.
Ring Turns: 146.
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