Blog 323.
Today was pretty fun. We had a cake to celebrate my birthday, which was on Tuesday, as well as my sister's birthday (Yesterday) and my nephew's birthday (Today). Plus, my cousin's birthday was on Friday, but she lives in Upstate New York, so we barely ever see her. So we have birthdays on March 10, 13, 14, and 15. Plus, my pregnant niece is due on April 8th, but she went for an ultrasound on March 12th and she's already 1 cm dialated! She weighs 6 pounds and 7 ounces so far. The doctor said that she could have the baby in two weeks, which would be March 26th. So, I have a little rewardless bet going on. My cousin thinks she will go in on March 26th. I originally thought April 6, but now I'm thinking it will be more like March 29th. My mother thinks April 2nd, and my sister thinks April 5th.
I added a new profile banner. It's the DVD art for Desperate Housewives: Season 5, which is coming to DVD on September 1.
I gained 8% yesterday. I did a lot more that 8% worth though. I'll probably get the remainder tonight. I did about 10% worth of reviews, blogs, and approved submissions, plus one rejected submission.
I'll probably blog again after Desperate Housewives tonight. :)
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