Blog 503.
I'm watching season five reruns of One Tree Hill on SOAPnet. I saw 5.13 before, and I'm watching 5.14 now. Pretty cool episodes.
I might watch Buffy later. I saw the first four episodes of Season 5 yesterday. Plus, I wrote 7 reviews, made 1 contribution, and wrote 1 blog. I gained 8% overnight. I am now 10% through the level. As long as I gain 5% a day, I should reach the next level before the 28th. :)
I only have 49 songs on my iTouch. I wanna put more on, but I'm too lazy. I will have it for a month on the 10th. I will probably have a few more songs on by then. Plus, this is my first iPod, so it's not that bad, right? I wanna put on some songs from Bethany Joy Galeotti and Alexz Johnson. Any song recommendations?
Halloween II - 53 days.
Ring Turns - 171 turns.
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