Blog 356.
I was eating Dots before. They're amazing. I had some Red Raspberry Dollars too, but they're still a little thick. I wanna wait for them to get softer, for my teeth's sake. Although, one of my Dots was spicy. Hmm...
Anyway, my niece went into the hospital with pains at about 8:00, and she was getting them every five minutes. She is expected to deliver this week, so you would expect them to be contractions... However, she wasn't dialating, and her water didn't break, so the hospital sent her home. She'll definitely have the baby by Thursday, if not on Thursday. I'm very anxious. Although, it does not matter when she's born, as long as she's healthy. :)
I got to see 6.19 of One Tree Hill tonight. It's the last new episode until April 20, which sucks. I was on the phone so I wasn't really paying attention, but it looked dramatic and very juicy. Was that Peyton in a wedding dress with BLOOD on her stomach??? It's going to be so good. Only 5 episodes left. Plus, 90210 returns tomorrow for the first of 8 episodes, which will air consecutively through 5/19.
Next Monday is my last Confirmation class. I don't have it on the 13th and the 20th is a practice, as well as the 21st. I make the sacrament on the 25th of April.
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