Blog 440.
Today I had a Freshman Orientation at High Tech with Anthony. I also knew a few other people there. Kira, Christina, Elisse, Alessandra & Emilia (sorta), Erica, and I heard of other people like Jessica and Samantha. I got to meet Samantha, and this awesome chick Genna. High Tech had a lot of nerds and Asians, though. I saw a few hot guys though. I even met a couple. One was named Harry, and he's in Samantha's school. The other was this kid AJ. Both hot! Plus there's students already there that are mad sexy.
Anyway, I was in Group A, and Anthony was in Group B. We didn't see each other except for the Welcome Breakfast and sorta at the end. At lunch we saw each other for a little bit but I lost him and when I sat down I couldn't find him. :(
First I took a math placement test. I don't want to take AP courses because that's hard. I want regular courses, but I think I did pretty good on the Placement Test. Then we took our Student ID photos, then we chose electives. Here are mine:
INTRODUCTION TO ARTS (first, second, third choices)
1.) Performing Arts
2.) Writing for Media
3.) Stagecraft
*For performing arts, I have to do acting for one marking period, musical theater for another, dancing for another, etc. I hate dancing, but I can live, I guess. I wanted to do the acting.
ELECTIVES (1st, 2nd, 3rd choices)
1.) Intro to Creative Writing
2.) Intro to Journalism
3.) Intro to Anatomy (Just to get some science out of the way.)
LANGUAGE (1st and 2nd choices)
1.) Spanish I
2.) French I
*The only other choices were Spanish for Native Speakers and Japanese.
Algebra I
*It was the easiest one there. Either that, Geometry 9, or some advanced Algebra if you're advanced, which I'm hopefully not.
Exciting! I also missed a science test that my friends are giving me the answers for. I'm going to cram studying for a social studies test during lunch tomorrow. The Grey's Anatomy season finale is later. I'm not really affected by finale season this year. Except for 90210. Haha.
Graduation: 23 days.
Halloween 2: 106 days.
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