Blog 362.
Yes, my blog is alluding to the awesome Gwen Stefani song. However, it is being used as something that happened today. So, after school, I was hanging out with Gloria, her brother Alfredo (a 5th grader...), and Kayla. So we're hanging out for a few hours and they were pi$$ing me off. I love Gloria but Kayla easily annoys me after 10 years of having to deal with her everyday. So, we went back to the school because March Madness was still going on, and Gloria was playing. So when her team went up, Alfredo was with his friends, and I was on the bleachers with Kayla. That quickly changed. Her mom was supposed to pick me up and drive us both home because her grandmother lives on the same block as me and she had to give my mom a letter about the next graduation meeting. Kayla kept shouting, "GLORIA!!! GLORIA!! DRIBBLE! DRIBBLE!" ... Since when is she a basketball expert, first of all? I didn't see her on the court at all... Back to my story, it was getting obnoxious and annoying. I finally got aggravated. So, I pretended my phone vibrated and I pretended to answer it. My acting is VERY believable. So, I said, "Hello... I'm at March Madness... Are you serious?! ... Fine, I'll start walking. Bye." I pretended to hang up and I said, "Ugh, sorry, Kayla. My parents want me to start walking home. They're just being very annoying. Bye."
She believed it.
So, I happily walked home and bragged about my cleverness in a dire situation. But on the way back from school we all walked back to my block so I can get changed and Kayla could get changed at her grandmother's house. These guys caught me checking them out, I think. After they passed on the street, I mentioned how they were hot, then half a block later, I looked back and they were both looking back at us. Now, if they were looking at a girl, it was Gloria. I didn't see them smiling when I looked back, though. Then everyone started looking back at once... A couple people did that today, I think. They caught me staring at them. Hehe. ;) I'm still single, though. They were all at least high school to early-30s. It wouldn't stop me. I'm still trying to get something going with that 18-year-old. And yes, it may be illegal, but so was Mary Kay's relationship with a student and look how that turned out! :)
Confirmation Countdown: 22 days.
Graduation Countdown: 64 days.
H2 Countdown: 147 days.
Ring Turns: 146 turns.
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