Wanted23 / Member

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The Element Of Surprise

Blog 354.

OK, so today, March 29, 2009, is a day that will change TV.com history. Because today is the day that I announce my departure from TV.com. It wasn't an easy choice to make, especially since I just celebrated my 8-month anniversary yesterday, but with my new niece coming soon, I will be babysitting a lot. Plus, it's the final trimester of the school year and things are getting hectic with graduation approaching. Maybe after graduation in June I will be back. I'm not sure though... But no matter when my niece goes into labor, my last blog will be on Thursday, April 2, 2009. It's been fun. I will, without a doubt, be back eventually. So DON'T stop tracking me. ;) I'll try to check back from time to time.