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WarDog1994 Blog

Religion and Video Games

First things first, I am a Christian(even though many would probably disagree) so this is from a Christian's standpoint, keep that in mind.

This is it, the colliding of the world's touchiest subject with the media's favorite fall guy, we have all seen this on the news at least once, some Religious right nut on Fox ranting about the latest hot ticket game, but how much fact is in there stories? Well thats why I'm here.

Lets start with the mother of them all, The DOOM controversy. There were a two big things "Christians" were mad about in Doom, the violence, and the fact that there are demons from hell in it. Personally, I see absolutely nothing wrong with it. If anything its GOOD, think about it, the violence(problem 1) is directed at demons from hell(problem 2). I just don't comprehend how thats bad. You are fighting pure evil, dosent that instill the idea that demons/hell/Satan=BAD?

Fast Forward to 2008, "The Spore Controversy". No, not the 3 installation limit one, I mean the evolution one. Well first off, some sources say only 2 thirds of Americans accept evolution, which right off the bat gives me the "Aww **** feeling, now what happens when a game thats basically "Evolution Made Fun" you are going to have a lot of people that are pissed off. Its kind of hard for me to go into this one, without solely discussing the compatibility between Christianity/Judaism and Evolution, so Ill say they are perfectly compatible, and I will leave it at that.

This brings me to the question I would like to ask all the whistle blowers that are reading a blog on a video game website for some reason, Why Do You Care? Seriously, you are making the rest of us look bad, Shut The Hell Up.

O.K, I covered the major controversies, now to the real crap "Christian Video Games", OH GOD THE HORROR!! O.K, you need to look no further to look than the Nerd's videos to know about these, they all suck, pretty much every single one ever. You know why? Well first off, there goal isnt fun its to get across a "message" which throws up a big flag right there, second, there is no good material. Actually, scratch that, there is some GREAT material in the bible for a game, in the Old Testament, because in the old testament there are battles and wars going on, which is a great premise for a game, just look at The Total War franchise. Why dont the Bible Thumpers capitalize on this? God only knows. But I got a great idea for a religous game, you ready?

Super Mecha Death Christ: The Game

A Gamer's Perspective, Metroid: Zero Mission

To be honest, I diden't really care for the original Metroid, and not that many people did compared to Super Metroid, is this remake any better?


Story: It is the exact same a the original Metroid, but it has added some backstory with Chozo ruins, and a lot more, very nice.

Gameplay: I have no complaints here, it has fixed every one of my nitpicks I had with the original. Now you can aim diagonally, crouch, and it also comes with plenty of new abilities introduced in later games, like the ledge grab. It has also added new areas and bosses, that were not in the original, and even has a area after you beat Mother Brain. It is really for all intensive purposes almost on par with Super Metroid, arguably the greatest game ever.

Presentation: I love this game's presentation, it dident try to do anything fancy, and is almost exactly the same as Super Metroid, which is awesome. Its music is also awesome

Console Review: PS3

I have been doing console reviews for a while and it is now the PS3's turn to get the third degree!


Games: The PS3 has a few very good exclusives, like MGS4, and Ratchet and Clank, and Warhawk. It also has a strong lineup this holiday season. It is undeniable thou, that the PS3 has the weakest lineup of games the console generation, sorry fanboys. B-

Controller: The PS3 controller is, with the exception of limited motion control is almost exactly the same as the PS1 and the PS2, but that isnt really a bad thing. It is a good controller, but older models had no rumble, which they thought was a "Last Gen" feature, but at least they fixed it. A-

Durability: I havnt heard of any problems with the PS3's durability, but my natural instinct of breaking things tells me that due to its heavy weight, it wont take falls to well, but that is just a guess. A-

Price: Yikes, does this need a explantion, it has never been any less than the most expensive.

Graphics: The best of the generation, this dosent really need a explanation either. A+


Console Review: Wii

Many people bash the Wii, for many things, does it deserve it?


Games: While the Wii's third party support may be plentiful, it is almost 100% crap, but this is of course a Nintendo console so it has some of the best games this generation, like Super Smash Bros, Metroid Prime, and of course Mario Galaxy, and many others, so there is enough gold in the mud to keep you playing. B+

Controller: While the Wiimote and nunchuck is amazing with some games like Metroid, and classic NES games, and has good motion control (which has already been ripped off twice to my knowledge) it is almost useless with games like Brawl. A-

Durability: The Wii is almost as durable as its predecessors and more durable than any other console this generation. A+

Price: Until recently the Wii has always been the cheapest system. Even its games are ten bucks cheaper than the others! It is a true budget system. A+

Graphics: This is where the Wii FAILED. Its graphics are the worst of the generation by far, no argument. C


My Top Ten Favorite Games

Please keep in mind these are my personal favorites, not the best games ever.

10. Legend of Zelda: Links Awakening, This is on here for one sorry reason, it was the first video game I ever played, and I played for hours, even thou I had no clue what I was doing.

9. U.N Squadron, The best 2-D shooter EVAR. It has all you need in a shooter, like great power ups, and non linear progression.

8. Mass Effect, This is my favorite RPG ever, partially because I dont really like JRPGs, and partially because I love how It has a open world(or galaxy), and I can customize my character AND my gun, GENIUS!

7. Super Mario Allstars+Super Mario World, I was never a HUGE fan of Mario, but having every Super Mario Bros. and Super Mario World on one cartridge, GENIUS!

6. Tetris, This game is the best puzzle game ever, no argumet, move on to number 5 now.

5. Metroid: Zero Mission, Honestly, I dident really care for the original Metroid, but Zero Mission gets rid of 99% of my nit-picks, and was the last great 2-D Metroid.

4. Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, Most people think that the best LoZ was Ocarina of Time, those people dont agree with me, I love LoZ, and I REALLY love "A Link to the Past"

3. Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards, I'm probably alone on this, but when I got my N64, this was the best game on the system, and it still is.(IMO)

2. Super Metroid, This is the best 2-D game hands down. It has perfect controls, awesome upgrades, and great music, all that equals near perfect.

1. Halo: Combat Evolved, Heres a fun fact, at least 25% of people who read this get suddenly angry. Halo is on here for two reasons, it was the game that really got me nto video games, two I love first person shooters, and this is the best FPS EVAR!(yes I see you Half Life and Call of Duty your nice too)

Console Review: Nintendo 64

I decided to start grading consoles, on Games, Controller(s), Durability, Price, Graphics, and Sound, based on other systems of that Generation.

------------------------------------Nintendo 64---------------------------------

Games: The N64 has a small library of games, but a lot of them are AAA titles, it has Super Mario 64, LoZ Ocarina of Time, and more. A-

Controller: The N64 has a odd controller, it's left side is almost never used, and the analog stick wears out in a unusually short amount of time. That being said, it is a nice one thou, it is comfortable, and invented the analog stick. B+

Durability: As with most older consoles the N64 is rock solid, but not indestructible, I hear rattling in mine for some reason, but it plays well. A

Price: This was the Wii of its day here; it cost the cheapest out of any consoles launch price at $199.99, $100 less than the PS1, and $500 less than 3D0.
Graphics: For the day, the N64 had very nice graphics, that displayed games in a nice fashion, but was much less powerful than the PS1, but out did everyone else. B+

Graphics: Thou the N64 was not as powerful as the PS1, its graphics were nice, and miles ahead of the rest of the generation. A

Sound: The N64 had limited memory in its cartridges, so the music would have been bland if it weren't for expert compression techniques; it sounded as good as anything on other systems, most of the time. B-

Overall Grade: A

The Physical Element

We all have a favorite Nintendo Franchise, whether it is Metroid or Legend of Zelda, we have been enjoying them for years, but of course everything awesome gets criticism. Ever since the NES, they have said it causes obesity, which doesn't make much sense when you think about, because many of those people playing video games would be watching TV, eating chips. (I included) But you can't eat while playing a video game because you're focused on the game, and people eat when they are bored and your not bored playing Mario.

Anyway, wouldn't it be awesome if we added a physical element to Legend of Zelda, or Mario. It would use the Dance Dance Revolution pad, you would walk in place to move do it fast to run. You would hop up into the air to jump. Combined with a Wiimote and nuchuck, a good TV, and sound system, it would be one of the most immersive games ever.



When you think about it Kirby is one of the most original game series EVAR! Think about it, Kirby is a pink ball that is age, and gender neutral, and its main attack is to EAT you and steal your abilities. So does that mean Kirby is the most powerful character ever? No, because even Kirby is hurt by bullets.

Kirby is probably one of the most successful franchises ever; there isn't a mediocre game in the whole series. I can remember back when I was about 5(im 13), and my favorite game wasn't LoZ, or Mario, it was Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards. It was amazing, but because the classic controller on the Wii sucks Im looking for an original one, I can't wait. To sum this post up, Kirby is awesome.

The Halo Hate

This is probably the most common form of hate on forums these days. A while back, (for **** and giggles) I submitted a thread on a PS3 forum about why people hate Halo. That was th

This is probably the most common form of hate on forums these days. A while back, (for **** and giggles) I submitted a thread on a PS3 forum about why people hate Halo. That was the most responded to thread for about two days, until it got locked.(link below)

This is probably the most common form of hate on forums these days. A while back, (for **** and giggles) I submitted a thread on a PS3 forum about why people hate Halo. That was the most responded to thread for about two days, until it got locked.(link below)

As you can imagine, it dident get exactly a warm welcome. The most common complaint I saw was that it was just another over hyped, third rate FPS. While I can agree it was kind of over hyped, it is by no means a bad game it is a great game(IMO). What many are to stupid, or just have there head to far up there ass to notice, is that, Halo really revolutionized console FPSs, while there were some on earlier ones that were awesome(Golgeneye), there controls were nowhere near as polished as a PC FPSs, Halo was the first game to get it right, and it was immidiatly copied 250+ times.

The second reason was all the screaming 10 year olds that are supposedly in every game, well thats not true right there, I could play all day and maybe find one or two, and that happens to all vastly popular games, even there precious COD4.

*disclaimer*I dont hate COD4, or the PS3, nor do I think Halo is the greatest game ever, Im just tired of all PS3 fanboys*disclaimer*