First things first, I am a Christian(even though many would probably disagree) so this is from a Christian's standpoint, keep that in mind.
This is it, the colliding of the world's touchiest subject with the media's favorite fall guy, we have all seen this on the news at least once, some Religious right nut on Fox ranting about the latest hot ticket game, but how much fact is in there stories? Well thats why I'm here.
Lets start with the mother of them all, The DOOM controversy. There were a two big things "Christians" were mad about in Doom, the violence, and the fact that there are demons from hell in it. Personally, I see absolutely nothing wrong with it. If anything its GOOD, think about it, the violence(problem 1) is directed at demons from hell(problem 2). I just don't comprehend how thats bad. You are fighting pure evil, dosent that instill the idea that demons/hell/Satan=BAD?
Fast Forward to 2008, "The Spore Controversy". No, not the 3 installation limit one, I mean the evolution one. Well first off, some sources say only 2 thirds of Americans accept evolution, which right off the bat gives me the "Aww **** feeling, now what happens when a game thats basically "Evolution Made Fun" you are going to have a lot of people that are pissed off. Its kind of hard for me to go into this one, without solely discussing the compatibility between Christianity/Judaism and Evolution, so Ill say they are perfectly compatible, and I will leave it at that.
This brings me to the question I would like to ask all the whistle blowers that are reading a blog on a video game website for some reason, Why Do You Care? Seriously, you are making the rest of us look bad, Shut The Hell Up.
O.K, I covered the major controversies, now to the real crap "Christian Video Games", OH GOD THE HORROR!! O.K, you need to look no further to look than the Nerd's videos to know about these, they all suck, pretty much every single one ever. You know why? Well first off, there goal isnt fun its to get across a "message" which throws up a big flag right there, second, there is no good material. Actually, scratch that, there is some GREAT material in the bible for a game, in the Old Testament, because in the old testament there are battles and wars going on, which is a great premise for a game, just look at The Total War franchise. Why dont the Bible Thumpers capitalize on this? God only knows. But I got a great idea for a religous game, you ready?
Super Mecha Death Christ: The Game
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