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Console Review: PS3

I have been doing console reviews for a while and it is now the PS3's turn to get the third degree!


Games: The PS3 has a few very good exclusives, like MGS4, and Ratchet and Clank, and Warhawk. It also has a strong lineup this holiday season. It is undeniable thou, that the PS3 has the weakest lineup of games the console generation, sorry fanboys. B-

Controller: The PS3 controller is, with the exception of limited motion control is almost exactly the same as the PS1 and the PS2, but that isnt really a bad thing. It is a good controller, but older models had no rumble, which they thought was a "Last Gen" feature, but at least they fixed it. A-

Durability: I havnt heard of any problems with the PS3's durability, but my natural instinct of breaking things tells me that due to its heavy weight, it wont take falls to well, but that is just a guess. A-

Price: Yikes, does this need a explantion, it has never been any less than the most expensive.

Graphics: The best of the generation, this dosent really need a explanation either. A+