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My Hypocrisy

OK, I caved in like a paper bag, and despite what my last Blog entry stated, I just finished my first game review, Assassin's Creed. But I don't go into detail about the story or characters or crap like that. It's purely a review of "Game Play" and "Quality".

So, even though I don't think anyone will read the reviews, I have decided that I will write more, I might even make an attempt at writing a review for all the games I own, but considering that number is 150+ games, its not likely to happen over night. Also, some of the games are so old, it will be hard to give an objective review that doesn't rely heavily on nostalgia for graphics and sound qualifications.

Ok, its 1am, and I am sure the girlfriend is more than a little pissed I didn't go to bed with her and take care of business.