Alright, so I got this msn space that no one visits, but I do some deep thinking there. Then all of a sudden this very beautiful woman comments on my know, those "I think you're cute, let's be friends...oh yeah, here's my url for my webcam page, please present your credit card" kind of comments. lol. So I check out this site, and well, I guess I shouldn't be surprised that her friends list consists of a bunch of 40 year old dudes, whom coincidentally, only have her as a the question is, do people see me as that pathetic as to send me this kind of crap? For god's sake, you know the site's bullsh*t when all she's got is a picture of her in a bikini, and a two word blog fom a year ago. Heh, at least try to make an effort to make me feel wanted.
Anyway, my girl bought me a camera a few days ago, one of those bulky, photojournalist types. It's pretty awesome. And since I'm going to Vegas in a couple months, it's the pefect place to take hilarious pics of druggies, pissed off dudes who bet their life insurance away, etc. And I finally beat that pain in the ass mission in GTA, Tunnel of's embarassing, but it truly was a tough level for me. Hell, throughout work, I was actually brainstorming the perfect strategy how to finish it. Well, that's how my days were so far. So how you guys doing, by the way? I'm out, I'll see you guys on Tuesday.