Yeah, so far I've had two Live friend requests and three GS friend requests, which the two are people I've run into from Gamespot...which begs the qustion, what is it about me that people find interesting? It really can't be my forum posts, since 90 percent of them are smart ass remarks to stupid questions from the TC.
Anyway, nothing much recently, just did a couple movie runs. I finally saw AVPR which does justice to the first one. Seriously, the first one made the predators look like pansies, and at least Requiem portrays them as the intergalactic spartans that they should be known as. Picked up a movie called Inside, which bluntly, is the most f*cked up movie I've ever seen. It's french, I think, and is about a pregnant woman who's stalked by a madwoman who does the most screwed up things to this woman...this movie has burned my mind. Bought One Missed Call 1 and 2, japanese version, Witchboard, Resurrecting the Champ, and Day Of The Dead remake...which isn't as bad as I thought it would be...which, by the way, "ceiling running zombies" fall into my category between "lame" and "really freaky demonic dead people."