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V Day

Before I start, I'd just like to thank manhunt420 for the great idea for a Valentine's Day present. First off, it was a bummer that I had to work on that day, and it was a long day. So, I came about four hours early to spend time with my one and only, ate breakfast, and walked around for a bit. Then I gave her the Valentine's Day present, a ring. This woman, who had a death grip on my heart for two years and counting, was asked for her hand in marriage. That's right people, I'M ENGAGED!! Now, we won't get married for another year, and I'm planning on our marriage to be on Valentine's Day. But still, the look on her face is one image I have to hold into my memories for eternity. Then I gave her one of my custom created pies, which is easy considering I work in a bakery. It was a cheesecake with half strawberries surrounding the border, a whole one in the middle, and six halves facing down surrounding it, a whip cream star behind each of the six, and a whip cream border around the halves surrounding the border. She loved it, and called it the most beautiful pie she ever saw. You see, if you knew me personally, you'd agree when I say I'm very creative, but very bad at planning things out. But I'm very reckless, and will do spontaneous, crazy ass things to make people happy. Hell, I once danced around work wearing no pants just to cheer up a pissed off worker, and it worked. And I must say, having a fiancee' is the best thing I've ever done in my whole life, thus far.