Well I've gotten to finally move out on my own, in my own apartment, with only myself to take care of, and I hope to be back online with Final fantacy XI. My Xbox 360 stopped reading disks again, so this time, I also got the game for the PC. It's a pain that you have to buy the newset version, to get the update to work even if you uninstall/reinstall it won't update so you can play the game. It's going to take me time to get settled into my new place, even after a month, I'm still having issues with my fibromyalgia, and anxiety disorder, but life goes on, and nothing's worth taking your life. By taking a day at a time, I'll get myself to relax, and learn to finally have a life again. I do have to many blogs, and no friends, so why do I continue with any of them.
Who knows, but I guess I don't really care lol 8)