Hi there. I'm planning to upgrade from my old 5770 to a new video card and and I found this gtx 660 when searching. I have some questions about upgrading to this card because to be honest I still get confused by all this and need some help.
First the details for this card says that I need a 450w psu and the one that is in my computer is 460w. Now does that mean that my computer can handle it or do you still recommend that I upgrade my psu and how many watts should it be?
Second it says that it is for 16x PCI-E 3.0 but the slot for my computer is a 16x PCI-E 2.0. Would a PCI-E 3.0 card work in a 2.0?
Third, I don't know what the CPU requirement is for this card but mine is a Intel Core i7 860 and it's at 2.8GHz. Would that meet the requirements for this card as well?
And last question. Will it fit in my computer? The thing is my computer is pre-made and I got it as a gift. Plus I don't know the actual size for the motherboard. This link may provide more information about my pc since it seems like the one that I own:
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16883147177 (And no my family didn't pay that high for it when they got it for me few years ago. It was actually much cheaper thank goodness for them :P)
And here is the link to that card and yeah I'm from Canada
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