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Halo 3: ODST

So I decided to finally try Halo 3: ODST. I picked it up last Christmas when I picked up my 360 and handful of games. I hadn't played it until now because I also picked up and tried Halo 3 and hated it. I was hoping ODST would be better since it was newer. My God in heaven I don't understand what people see in Halo. The graphics are sub par and the shooting mechanics and game play are second rate. I can't believe GameSpot gave this a score of 9.

First off these graphics don't compare to Killzone 2, Resistance 2, Uncharted, or for that matter any PS3 exclusive shooter. They don't even compare to multiplatform shooters like FEAR2 or Dead Space. Ugh! I just don't get it. I will say that ODST is a little nicer than Halo 3, but still it's rather bland. The graphics are bland. The enemy AI is horrible and will get stuck on obstacles. The weapns are cool but even on Normal difficulty it takes several clips to kill anything other than the little triangle weaklings.

You know, I will admit that multi platform games seem to be a millimeter better on the XBox, but the exclusives on the PS3 are a generation ahead. I'll continue to search for the XBox exclusive; that game that makes my purchase of the XBox worth while, but until then, bring on the PS3.

My last hope is Mass Effect 2. I hated Mass Effect 1. The graphics were PS2 quality and the shooting mechanic was terrible. If Mass Effect 2 isn't up to my standards I just may get rid of all things XBox. If anyone happens to read this and knows a few good XBox games I should try please reply.