I have both systems so I have no reason to "think" one system is better than the other, but I disagree with the person saying the Xbox pics look marginably better. I thought it most pics the PS3 version looked better except for Resident Evil 5, which looks like someone turned the sharpness all the way off on the PS3 pics and turned it up on the Xbox pics. The PS3 pics mostly looked brighter. When the auther was saying things like the number 2 and arm patch looked more detailed on the 360 I couldn't see it. Personally I don't think comparing games that are on both platforms is a valid argument for which system is better because the games weren't optimized for either system. Compare PS3 exclusives to Xbox exclusives and let people look at the details of games optimized for their system. Compare screenshots from Gears of War 2 to Killzone 2 or MGS4 and Halo 3. Sure they're different pics but at least each was optimized. I personally think multiplatform games favor the 360 since those type of games don't take advantage of the PS3's capabilities and bluray advantage. For instance, no 360 games compare to Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. What do you all think?
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