@yayayu: Why continue to comment here, then? when all you do is ranting about GameSpot or puke insults on games you dislike? Are you in such need of attention?
@stickemup: Roguelike = No permanent gains or improvements from one run to another.
Roguelite = Some permanent upgrades remain from one run to another.
The term is widely used in the games industry (in which I've been working for almost 14 years already, btw) and nowadays it refers to a different kind of game, it is in no way a case of "randoms" using a term poorly; it's a word used to describe a kind of game (like "Beat em up").
I see only a person getting annoyed here: the one dealing with some insecurities that prevent him from admitting that he is wrong (or from using google to make sure of it) :)
@ashleycrumb: "it makes exactly as much sense to get upset about lol."
Well... ironically you have already like 4 to 5 answers to comments from people complaining about the review.
Regardless of them understanding or not that reviews are opinions, you should not be calling people for getting "upset" about stuff when you are doing the exact same thing with them.
Warlord_Irochi's comments