@user_pt @Warlord_Irochi I like how you assumed that I was talking about "West to East" and not "South to North", Not to mention how you took a random slang as something literal.
You were in a hurry to start a cheap argument, uh? try youtube for that.
"If you import the North/South American version, it will not be censored" Yes, after you have paid your good money for an inferior version, go and buy the game again.
That would have worked if you had the honesty to let us know BEFORE the game was sold, but no: you lie saying that "we have to adapt to European market" What you wanted was to adapt to the GERMAN market, because it was cheaper for you to give a cut-down version to all European gamers instead of being honest with them.
I regret I got and European version. Not for the single player which is still uncut, but for your lack of integrity in this matter.
2014? just by the time Germany will take over the rest of Europe in real life. (Disclaimer: No offense intended. I'm European so I can do this joke :P )
Warlord_Irochi's comments