@musalala: "Video games lead and contribute to toxic masculinity"
Was back in the day when I saw her videos. But I'm sure she did point that toxic masculinity was REFLECTED on games, and spread through it. Tied, but not exactly the same. Would like to have a source for that, do you have a link?
And sorry but, Game journalists? All the "videogames cause violence" generally comes from non-game related media (generally low-level sensationalist one) Game Journalists generally rant agains that notion and pretty much call the idea of games making us violent to be something dumb. what do you mean exactly by that? :/
@Flyin3lvl: So with knives and any other tool. The difference is in the potential damage. You can compare the numbers and the difference is quite clear :)
@ragnarocking: "The company that has great ideas, that can make amazing trailers, just to shit on you with mediocrity and recycling when the game is released."
Well... althoguh true, at least they work in fixing their games (R6 Siege is an example). Division is a good game now, even though it took them until patch 1.4
@Thanatos2k: Nor first Destiny nor The Divisions are mediocre games anymore. Still, not surprised to read your dropping your usual hater rant based on outdated information :)
@naomha1: Played on day one for only 3-4 weeks, endgame bored be to death. Then I came back on 1.4, which was a uge improvement and been playing ever since.
@twztid13: reviews are just personal opinions in a lot of sites, including this one. Free speech allows for people to talk or pass judgement in products like this. In the end is up to each person if they want to believe what they read or not.
Personally, I'll just take this as what it is; an action game. Since, fortunately, I'm also aware that there are fanatic Christians out there and also good Christians, and a game (or a reviewer) won't drive me into thinking that all of them are dangerous maniacs :)
Warlord_Irochi's comments