@km75sr: 10% of the userbase got the game that is a new IP. In raw number 7.5M for a new IP it's something you don't see everyday. It's quite a feat actually :)
@Redsyrup: "there's plenty of evidence online of Kojima dismissing/belittling his fans." And there is that time that I met him in E3 and it was exactly the other way around. But hey, you choose what you want o believe. :)
@Redsyrup: Colleagues of mine in the industry that worked with the guy don't go as far. He has a vision and it's hard to convince him to change something, but he's far from the "egomaniac" that you claim. I would believe my colleague's argument over a random youtube video that's not even available now, thanks.
@MJ12-Conspiracy: No. If they make a good game people should buy it. "Voting with the wallet" works that way and sends the correct message that good games sell and micro-transaction-filled retail crap doesn't.
@Bread_or_Decide: Well, his username and the fact that he created that account just to post that point that yes, he's probably really mad.
I also bet that @kekistanian is probably an alt account for another user... one apparently not brave enough to speak his own mind even though when he is already hiding behind a nickname in a games website.
"Going to maintenance" would have been more appropriate. This tittle, however, is an attention seeking click-bait. And yes, got me to enter and write a comment, but it's because is worrisome that we are seeing it a lot in your articles and in Gamespot, we complain about it on every one of them, and yet we continue to see them.
This website should change that. I come here to be informed, not to be tricked into clicking on article that I'm actually not interested in.
@sinister432: The article header sells it as an extra game inside the PS+ lineup, when is actually a microtransaction-driven F2P game and what's free is just one of their booster packs.
Warlord_Irochi's comments