@3partan341: I don't even know why you keep coming time and again to R6S articles to copy-paste comments when you dislike the game so much. Don't you have anything better to do like... I don't know... maybe playing games that you actually like?
@3partan341: I just copy-pasted one of the comments from your profile. Maybe now you'll get a grasp on how ridiculous you sound when starting pointless flames and empty arguments.
@ncsledge: Yeah, worse when the first time you level a character takes you forever to cap and start getting gear for the endgame, which is what MMOs are about. I'm one of those who earned cap twice, and after rising 5 alts I'm really not in the mood for visiting Teldrassil again. That is the same case for most of people, and even for those that miss vanilla WoW you can see that all the leveling up is not one of things they miss. You can always rise more alts Don't be salty. Also: Tera failed due to market situation, starting with a subscription based market model when it was no longer a viable model and poor advertising. Pointing at the poor performance of an MMO due to being "easy" is a very inaccurate statement. Good day.
Warlord_Irochi's comments