PCs just arent worth it anymore. they have to be ugraded get viruses and break and require installation. im going with consoles: graphics get better as the game makers learn how to use them, never have to worry about if i can run a game and lots of high profile exculsives. after thinking about ive decided the ps3 is going to win. price drop(which we'll never see in aus), powerful console, good design and blu-ray discs are going to win out., free online is a bonus to.
Alone in the Dark, Battlefield: Bad Company, Borderlands, COD4: Modern Warfare, Fracture, GTA IV, Haze, HEI$T, Infamous, Killzone 2(i know the first one was a massive letdown but sony's hyping this so much they must have somethig up their sleeve), Mercanaries 2: World in Flames (Co-op here i come), Prototype, Tiberium, UT3.
It looks like a good year for the PS3.