Haven't been on Gamespot in months, just returned hi!
Warriorboy1990 Blog
Rift (who plays it)
by Warriorboy1990 on Comments
Out of my friends here, who plays RIFT? I quit WOW just to play RIFT. and it's alot better in my opinion. Community is great, more stuff to do, and it's cost alot less money (you'll know what I mean).
Finally beat GTA IV (spoilers), top 5 PS3 games I still need to pick up
by Warriorboy1990 on Comments
Well, after 2 years of having GTA IV, I finally beat it. Got the ending where Kate dies. Overall it was my favorite GTA game, can't wait for GTA5.
There are still a few more PS3 games I still need to pick up in the near future.
1. MLB 12 The Show (love baseball)
2. Uncharted 3
3. Mass Effect 3
4. Bulletstorm
5. Castlevania
Trophies, PC games, job
by Warriorboy1990 on Comments
Well, nothing new really in the gaming industry, but I picked up like 3 new PS3 games, platinum'd 2 of them recently.
Picked up Mafia 2, Jak and Daxter HD Collection, and Far Cry 2.
Got the platinums for MGS3 and Jak 1.
Been playing MAG a lot recently, surprised people still play it lol.
I also picked up Counter Strike Source for my PC. If anyone has Steam, let me know we can play sometime.
And finally I got a job at AutoZone, I'm a cashier. Niffy job.
Recently picked up a few Blu-ray movies, PS3 games and PC games
by Warriorboy1990 on Comments
Haven't done a blog in awhile. I always think these things are kinda lame. I picked up a few Blu-ray movies and games for my PS3 and PC too.
PS3 games I picked up recently:
The Sims 3 Pets
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection
Darksiders (Digital download)
inFamous 2
PC games:
Sim City 4 (bundle)
Diablo Battlechest
Movies (Blu-ray):
The Warriors
Bad Teacher
Merry Xmas! What games did you get? if any.
by Warriorboy1990 on Comments
I got:
Call of Juarez
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection
and a $20 PSN card.
what did you get?
Finally beat Red Dead Redemption. Best Western game ever made
by Warriorboy1990 on Comments
Just beat it a few days ago, loved it. Way better than GTA IV. The ending surprised me.
Well now I am at 94.4% completetion for single player. Might try to go for platinum (I'm at 42% trophies atm, including DLC).
No idea which game to play next. probably LA Noire or back to the Splinter Cell Trilogy HD again since I heard Ubisoft patched the disc version.
I'm the Great Cornholio!
by Warriorboy1990 on Comments
So glad Beavis and Butthead are back on the air. Gives me a reason to watch MTV once again. Had enough of that Teen Mom, True Life, True World, Jesery Shore crap, etc.
Chirstmas is coming up too, what does everyone want?
Next HD Collection to get? Next current gen game to get?
by Warriorboy1990 on Comments
Which HD Collection should I pick up next? GoW Origins or MGS?
Which current gen game to get? inFamous 2 or Castlevania?
Picked up Splinter Cell Trilogy HD and Crysis 1 (both for PS3)
by Warriorboy1990 on Comments
Playing through the Splinter Cell Trilogy HD right now (on first game). It's amazing. Ignore the Gamespot score of 6.0. Their reviews lately are becoming unbelievable. And I don't know why people were complaining about the inverted y-axis. The controls for aiming and the camera were just fine. Aim up, goes up, move camera up, goes up, etc.
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