Hi all you happy people who read my blog, all 5 of you. Lots of stuff going down in all apects of my life. For starters I am transfering back to the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire. I will miss being apart of a college jazz band, but I don't see jazz getting me anywhere in life.
Other things going on in my life outside of computers. Not a whole lot. I am doing classes and playing piano in my spare time. I got my job back for the summer so I can make some money and buy myself a PS3. I am excited for that. Oh I guess I could pay for college tution as well. All I know is this summer will be cheaper than last. Last summer I had both a new gaming computer and a girlfriend. This summer, neither. Well I still have my computer but I dont have to drop money on it.
Lets see what else is going on. Well as may of you probably know I am a memeber of the Gamespot Users Fellowship Union (GUFU). We have started podcasting on a regular basis. I am the host of the podcasts. You all should chck that stuff out. You can find all of them here.
In my gaming life I am despreatly looking for a decent free MMORPG to last me for a while. I heard Shadowbane has an active community, so I will check that one out. I am also in the middle of shooting a quality Mount and Blade trailer. Also I am really looking forward to Age of Conan.
I think the next blog entry I have will be like podcast kind of a blog. Check back later this week for that.
Well now that you have suffered with reading about my boring life, I will leave you with something far more intresting...