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Freemium vs. Free-To-Play - Why EA's Vision is Doomed to Fail

With theannouncementthat Command and Conquer Generals 2, being developed by Bioware Victory, has beenrenamedjust Command and Conquer and been refactored under EA's freemium model, it has left many gamers very disappointed as the once great RTS series known for its over-the-top single player campaigns, cheesy FMV, and memorable character, has now completelyabandonedits roots and focused on freemium fueled multiplayer.

This should come to no realsurpriseto anybody who has been following gaming news the last few months. In late July, EA Interactive's senior vice president said that the freemium business model was going to be the "market-leader" (source:Gamespot). A month before, Peter Moore, COO of EA, was quoted saying that "I think, ultimately, those microtransactions will be in every game, but the game itself of the access to the game will be free" (source:Kotaku) Clearly EA has warmed up to the free-to-play market enough to understand it'spotentialrevenues.

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