I posted a new post on my Blogspot Blog. Check it out the first few pharagraphs below.
I really want to enjoy Battlefield 3. The game has been out for about a week and I have about 8 hours of gameplay and in that time I can say that BF3 has all of the potential to be the greatest mutliplayer shooter in recent years. However every time that potential starts to break through it gets buried under a mess of bugs, inbalances, poor design decisions, and lag.
Now I could rag on how DICE is a terrible developer and how EA is an evil company that forces it's will upon its helpless customers like the Battlelog forums would lead you to believe (seriously, don't go there if you don't want to be depressed), but I won't because it's not just unfair it's also incorrect. I understand the situation that Battlefield 3 is in. In less than two week Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 will launch and absolutely dominate the sales charts like every other CoD game. Already the game's preorder match that of Battlefield 3's totals sales, and BF3 has had the highest selling launch day of any EA game ever. This puts EA in a very difficult position as releasing after MW3's launch could really negatively effect sales. Under these conditions you can understand why EA pushed BF3 out the door when they did. However it seems that this may have caused more problems than a post-MW3 launch would have.
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