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My idea for Killzone 2. (long read)

I have been thinking of the best possible FPS game for a console ever.

Here it goes.

Name: Killzone 2 (yeah I know, the game sucked, but the whole war thing rocked)

Game play: Instead of linear missions, instead of objective based game play where you get your objective and have to complete it, it is a brand new style of A.I. and game play.

At the beginning of the game you are placed in basic training for the ISA. From there you are assigned a squad, depending on what kind of skill you specialize in (mechanic, sniper, grunt....) you are placed in a squad. This squad is different from every body.

The first time you load up the game it generates a general for each army. Each general has a different personality. This personality determines what kind of tactics the general uses in the war.

After the general is assigned and generated, the armies are laid out on a giant, open ended map. The main line is determined, the camps, airbases, barracks, training facilities, fortifications, and other military installations are placed on the map. It is random, but not to random to the point of crazy locations for each base.

Next each army is generated and placed on the map. Once the armies are placed the game can begin.

Once the game loads up the generals take over the two separate armies. The general’s goal is to use the available resources and destroy and/or rout the enemy army. They can do this anyway they want. Their personalities will determine how they accomplish this.

In other words it is like a real time strategy game against a difficult computer, thing is you don’t have any control over the armies. You are just one solider in a squad.

The generals will launch attacks and set up defenses. They will call in reinforcements and bombing raids. Basically use any resource they are giving to accomplish the task.

It is sort of like when two computer players on a good RTS fight each other, like in Starcraft or RON. Thing is your in the middle of this.

Now for what the player does. The player is given orders by his commander or some officer (if the battle turns chaotic). You follow your squad into battle. The A.I. will determine what you have to accomplish. Friendly A.I. will attempt to accomplish the task they are given, and so will you.

The battles are non scripted. The outcome of the war will depend on the events that happen.  This non scripted chaos will actually be extremely organized. Each computer general will have a plan and reason for each attack, so the battles aren’t random.

Days and nights work like a GTA game, but they take longer to complete a full day or night. At night, if there is no fighting you rest your character by having him sleep. He can be woken up by anything, an explosion, enemy fire, or one of his squad mates waking him up.

The A.I. is programmed to use the days and nights. Large offensives after heavy fighting where supplies are limited, will most likely occur during the day.

For example. Say you are a few hours into the game, your squad has helped a division take a small town and are now preparing to drive through the enemy’s lines and potentially drive them off the planet. When you wake up you are ordered to check in with your squad leader. On your way you can talk to any soldier you cross, seeing that you have been winning a lot, moral will be high and the A.I. will show that.

When you get to your squad leader, he will give you a briefing of the plans. Once you have that down you go and get ammo and prepare for battle. When the order is given you move to your designated area.

Finally the battle begins. This is a real treat. You see all of your squad mates running to complete the objective. Thing is they don’t act like the A.I. we find in Call of Duty. These guys actually help each other out, watch each others backs. You will see them yell stuff to each other, and give hand signals to give direction where to go.

You will also be treated like one of them. They will call out for your character to help them, or just to say something stupid in battle. They will lay down cover fire for you and back you up when you need the help.

The enemy A.I. will be doing their best to beat you. This means they will lay down cover fire, pinning your squad and you down. They will flank, use grenades, and use excessive teamwork. If the enemy is at a disadvantage, they will retreat. Unlike in other games, when the enemy retreats they just disappear. In this game, the enemy retreats back to fight another day. The general is able to use the retreated forces.

The real interesting thing about this game is there is no different levels or stages. It is all on one giant map. Kind of like GTA:SA, though the whole thing is dynamic. Weather will effect the whole armies fighting abilities.

This open ended map is used by the two armies generals for strategies. They can move tank units and deploy artillery where necessary. They move the two armies over this map, each with the goal of defeating the enemy.

To give an example. Imagine fighting the enemy. After many days of fighting you start to push the enemy back. The thing is the general of the Helghast realizes that this line is weakening so he sent reinforcements. This time it happens to be a fresh armor division.

So your fighting and all is well, the enemy is on the run and you are gaining ground. Next thing you know you are staring down the many barrels of a tank division. You and your entire company is forced to retreat. The general of the ISA army finds out about the huge loss, so he sends one of his armored divisions. Soon you are caught in the middle of this huge tank battle.

The battlefield is very dynamic. The situation is always changing. It is not all random there is a reason for everything.

This new type of game play would not get repetitive. It is kind of like a huge online match, but with a lot more organization and less team killing. It would be a huge feat to create A.I. like this. But if pulled off correctly, it could mean the best FPS ever made.

Now for the graphics:

The graphics would have to be extremely good and smooth for the game play to work. Smoke and particle effects would have to be very rich and full because the A.I. would react to the smoke and dust.

There would have to be room for hundreds of guys on screen, lots of tracers and explosions, and many tanks and other vehicles.

The huge world would have to be extremely detailed, and each different region has its own look to it. Cities would have different layouts.

The biggest part of the graphics is not the high poly counts or rich textures, it is the animations of the soldiers. Not only would the move like real people, they will look like it. There would be no choppiness between animations. Animations would not jump from animation to animation with any transaction between the two. It would be really smooth. This would really bring the battlefield to life.

Finally the online:

Yes every good FPS should have some sort of online mode. There would be several different types.

First off the good ol fashion DOD style game play. You choose a class and go out and try to control the different checkpoints. It supports up to 64 players on small to large maps.

Second is the battlefield style game play that uses the vehicles from the single player game. It would be like a clone of battlefield. It would be a clone of BF2 because it is by far the best in the series. It will support up to 128 players on very large or small maps depending on the number of players in the game.

Next is the Counter-Strike mode, but with character classes. The character classes would have to be very well balanced so one isn’t so much more powerful. This mode would be a bit faster at only 32 players max.

All of these modes would be available on a bot match. These bots are no push over either. Instead of waypoints for the bots to use, they would use a new kind of A.I. that gives them a line of sight to see where they can and cant go and what to shoot at. This would make them way more human.

They would use the vehicles and different classes. You would have complete control of what kind of bots are in each of your botmatches.

I really think that this game would be amazing. The replay value is unbeatable. The whole story mode would be so much fun because you have to be ready for anything at any time. It would be a groundbreaking game that would redefine the FPS genre.

If you have any comments/ideas please post.

I have to add this to possible give some more detail on the gameplay.

I dont think I ever really got this clear about this game play.

In other FPSs you always run and gun your way though the levels. You always win. This is completely diffrent.

Imagine actually getting pinned down by the A.I. Really not being able to move without getting shot. Say your whole squad gets pinned down in a destroyed building. This is really a new concept. You cant just shoot your way though this little situation your in.

Your squad leader would have to find a way out of this situation. His personality would help determine.

Heres a new concept though. Instead of gunning your way though this. Your squad leader tells you to lay down a heavy cover fire and suppress the enemy so your guys can run away. After they are not being flanked, they turn around and give cover fire for you. Now you have to run. Run so you live to fight another day.

Like say your orders are to take a farmhouse in the country. When you get there your squad gets pinned down and you are forced to retreat. You take a loss or two but nothing major, just you realize that you cannot win and are forced to retreat.

Losing is a new thing to video game stories.

Remeber though, the Helgahst do the same thing. If you beat them, that doesnt mean you killed them all. That means they retreated and still can fight another day.