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Video editing - a new hobby. Also an update about my life (for those intrested)

Incase some of you have not realize I have been posting more and more movies onto Gamespot. About two years ago, after watching several Xbox 360 and PS3 game montages, I set out to make my own. I was armed with a Pentium 4 computer with about 512 mbs of ram, a cable internet connection, and a love for Metallica. This was the result.


I learned a lot about gaming montages with this one movie. I learned that you need to match the footage with the song in more than just timing the video clips with the music. So after learning what it takes and upgrading to a bit more powerful computer I got this...


As you can see it is much improved, the flow is much better and it is less cheesy. Now I finally have my 1337 gaming computer and I have the advantage of recording my own footage. Now I don't have to search and search for good footage, I can shoot my own. So I made this montage of World in Conflict to show off how awesome the game was.


I love video editing and shooting movies. My ultamite goal is to produce a machinima. That will take a lot of hard work on my part and the efforts of many people, but I think I can pull it off.

As for the rest of my life, things are going better. After the breakup with my girlfriend I started hitting rock bottom and lots of stuff fell apart in my life. I am happy to report things are back to normal. I did have to make a few adjustments and decisions. For one I dropped my Calc 2 class and I have decided to transfer back to my original college the University of Wisconsin Eau Claire.

As for my gaming life things have never been better. No girlfriend = more money and more time and that means more games and more time to play games. I have stopped playing WWII Online because I want to expand my gaming to other things. I picked up Dyansty Warriors 5 for the Xbox because I love the series, I also picked up Sins of a Solar Empire and plan on really playing that a lot as soon as I get home this summer (damn school internet).

Right now I am looking for a new MMO, hopefully a MMORPG that isn't WoW.

Also I have decided to start budgeting for a PS3. Finally I have enough reason to buy one (thanks MGS4). I hopefully will beable to E-bay myself a 60gb PS3 and upgrade the HDD to about 500gbs. So that is my plan.

Anyways I will leave you guys with a bang. Heres a montage I made of the latest GUFU gaming match. We played Supcom and I won.
