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I discovered the Secret of Nimh --> it;s thursday. :?

Ello and welcome to my thursday blog. I usually submit my blogs on the site at around 6 pm in the afternoon. Sorry for my lateness. I was school watching the school play. The final one of the year too. Which means the senior's final performances. The play was called Almost Maine. It featured a different amount of short sketchs or pieces that connect to each others plot. It was interesting to see the many difference conntections between each character and their own sketch but it got difficult to keep track of all the names.

How's life, well i havent been doing much as the year finishes up. I got my final schedule here it is:

Spanish Final 7:45 - 10:30
Lunch 10:30 - 11:30
History Final 11:30 - 2:07

English Final 7:45 - 10:30
Lunch 10:30 - 11:30
Math Final 11:30 - 2:07

Science Final 7:45 - 10:30
Lunch 10:30 - 11:30
Film Final 11:30 - 2:07


There is a final on Friday, but i have a study for that period so i do not have to go in. The second part of the day is for awards and an extra time for people to make up their final if they missed it. Should be interesting, i like how lose the structure of the days are but the finals themself are difficult to get around.

Last saturday was graduation. It was going to be helt outside, but that day the forecast called for strong wind, rain and a tornado! :shock: So the event got pushed to inside. Guess what, the whole day it stayed sunny :P But the gym was so hot it was unbearable. I rode to the school with my sister and a couple of her friends. I like sitting in the back, so i can get a full view of everything. But they wanted to sit in the front where you could see little. The band started to play which ment the event was starting. The principal asked the teachers to enter and they walked around the gym to their seats. It was strange to see them march in. Then the students came in and took their seats.

The band played a few songs but the good part of the event came when a couple students sang black bird. I was very impressed on how great they performed it. The president of the grade spoke and was almost unaudible the whole time. Then another person from the grade spoke and spoke and was also unaudible. Then a teacher who retiring got up and spoke. She quoted the Robert Frost poem The Road Not Taken. She talked about she went with the road most taken, she picked to become a teacher over becoming a rock singer like Aretha Franklin. Then out of the blue she said wait a moment, she then got on a wig and big sun glasses and began to sang You Make Me Feel, with an added number of her own lyrics. It was one of those moments you can never forget.

After that the seniors got their diplomas and then ended their high school career. So i am going to have to do this next year. While in the stands my sister and friends talked about how they are going to cheer next year when their names get called (since most of the friend there are in the same grade as me). They are bringing in a bullhorn. Should be interesting ;)

The rest of the day, i became the walking table as i had to hold everybodys stuff and then i had to take their pictures. I got heckled by my spanish teacher :P oh what a day.

Other than that, that's all that is going on in school and such.


So the music video was released for Lady Gaga's song Alejandro. I am going to call bets that Ms Gaga is going to be the new hit music person who stays along time for this generation. I did not like her until i saw her on SNL. I do not know, i am not a fan of all this synthesizer crap that is ruining the radio. But for now i can stand her ****of music.

Oil is still leaking, see you next week. I'll also have to check up on the celtics, they lost a game but i do not know how they are doing right now. (See any grammer mistakes or anything that doesnt make sence, tell me in the comment section below. Also tell me how your week has been)