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#1 Watercube
Member since 2008 • 140 Posts
[QUOTE="carljohnson3456"][QUOTE="Watercube"]As much as I don't care about sales, this really saddens me. I buy games, I bought LBP and R2, I buy multiplats, etc. I support Blu-ray, as do many people. And now it's a sinking ship. I have nothing to feel bad about, as it's not my head on the chopping block, but it pains me because PlayStation as a brand has been an integral part of my video gaming past, and now the brand gets treated like the contributions it's made to the video gaming world are non-existant.

The PS3 isnt a sinking ship man. Or well, if Sony actually takes action it wont be. Has everyone forgotten that just 3 or 4 months ago the PS3 was actually outselling the 360? The 360 got a price cut has certainly hurt Sony. Sony needs to find a way to get more competitive with price, and not buy bundling a year old game and 80 more GBs and sell it for 500.

Sony can't drop the price yet, they're losing too much money. Losing money + Losing out to the competition + Bad sales for "big" games = Get your lifesaver out, 'cause this one is going down. As much as I wish this wasn't the case, the mere fact that CNN reports on this reflects huge to consumers.
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#2 Watercube
Member since 2008 • 140 Posts
As much as I don't care about sales, this really saddens me. I buy games, I bought LBP and R2, I buy multiplats, etc. I support Blu-ray, as do many people. And now it's a sinking ship. I have nothing to feel bad about, as it's not my head on the chopping block, but it pains me because PlayStation as a brand has been an integral part of my video gaming past, and now the brand gets treated like the contributions it's made to the video gaming world are non-existant.
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#3 Watercube
Member since 2008 • 140 Posts
Agreed. I love the system, no matter what sales it gets, no matter what people say about it. It's a damn good system.
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#4 Watercube
Member since 2008 • 140 Posts
I dunno, I liked PS3's games better this year. There's no such thing as a "year" of any console.
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#5 Watercube
Member since 2008 • 140 Posts
[QUOTE="Watercube"][QUOTE="Toriko42"] That is the worst thing I've ever heard, there is nothing worse then a casual gamerGrady420
Yeah, damn them for having fun and being the majority of the video game audience.

Having fun for a month and harldy touching their wii afterwards. Casuals out number everyone, does that mean they are better than us? Bottom line Ps3, 360 and the PC have quality games while the wii has a lot of shovelware and a few good games here and there. Hardly any of my friends put much time into their wii.

You have to face the fact that the casuals will always get priority over hardcore gamers, because that's where the money is. This has never changed. Casuals aren't better than us, and guess what? We're not better than them.
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#6 Watercube
Member since 2008 • 140 Posts
[QUOTE="Toriko42"][QUOTE="Bazooka_4ME"]With the Wii's number, is it now safe to say: "CASUALS >>>>> HARDCORES" ??

That is the worst thing I've ever heard, there is nothing worse then a casual gamer

Yeah, damn them for having fun and being the majority of the video game audience.
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#7 Watercube
Member since 2008 • 140 Posts

That's why their having a price cut. And since we were talking about games, PS3 game price is almost the same as 360.


they're not having a price cut, they're losing 400 million a quarter. If they have a price cut they will lose more money which is bad!

Ps3 development is much worse than 360 development, plenty of devs have complained about it

Who are you trying to convince? :| Wow, PS3 lost. PS3 always loses. This isn't new for NPD. Sony's losing 400 million blah blah blah, you sound worse than Krazy Ken and his 120 FPS 4D drivel. We get it.
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#8 Watercube
Member since 2008 • 140 Posts
[QUOTE="MarloStanfield"][QUOTE="Watercube"] PROTIP: Never said it was. I never said money wasn't required to make games, please point to where I said that, genius :lol: I never even implied that. I don't have stock in Sony, I don't care. All I know is, 2009 looks to be a big year in terms of games for the PS3. Don't care if you disagree, frankly.

I agree, but that's down to their strong first party stuff and it's going to be hard to maintain even that when they're losing 400 million a quarter

I don't care if it's first-party, the games look damn good. Whether or not Sony maintains anything isn't my business. The company will do what they want to. The games are coming, and that's all a gamer should care about.
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#10 Watercube
Member since 2008 • 140 Posts
[QUOTE="Watercube"] YOY Sony is failing hard they're pretty much finished this genMarloStanfield

Really? Games aren't coming out anymore? Damn, that sucks.

at the rate they're failing they wont be coming out much longer

:lol: You're hilarious.