Waza19's forum posts
of course some games were good like zelda, prof layton, metroid, dementium and not so many others and i dont care if they were a game that ends with Z coming out each day cause i'll just never buy them but what bothers me its that the ds isnt use in all the potential it has, most of the game coming out are 32mb and the biggest ive seen is 512mb
And when you look at how the ds is doing in japan, with great games like soma bringer, tales of innocence, jump ultimate stars, etc and with usefull thing like kanji training, receipte book, drink receipies, tourist guide, even a wine almanach, it only proves it can be made
I defenitly agree with golden sun and pikmin
but what i would like to see most is RaggDoll kung fu (the game you buy on steam)
ive played it in japanese and I can tell you for sure that this will be one of the greatest game on the ds
and metroid was good
When i bougth a ds, i was hoping to spend lots of hours of gaming on it, i first bougth mario kart and mario 64 and was pleased cause those two are great game. But when my budget allowed me to buy another gameI bougth castlevania portrait of ruins an i have to say that i was disapointed, it was a good castlevania game but it didnt use the power of the ds enough so my curiosity got my looking at the roms that are on the net and the biggest game are that are on ds are 128mb and most of them are only 32mb. Call me crazy but thats the size of a flash game, and for me it means that its not worth buying. So it got me wondering, what games on the ds are buyable for a gamer like me that as no console exept that little ds, and that as time to give to a game.
The best would be to answer in a top ten or top five format
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