It's been just under a month since I last posted in my journal. Why? Because I'm bazy (busy and lazy). I'm here to make my triumphant return to journal-biz. The latest and the greatest.
Plus I've just had nothing to talk about. Been doing the same old... and to be honest I didn't want to write a journal entry a la Robbie.... just too weird :P
Not that this one's particularly normal -- rather it's stranger than my past entries. Why am I rambling on? Perhaps you'll never know. Okay, on to a topic, I've had my yogurt, I'm calm.
I find GameSpot's Star Fox: Assault review to be piss-poor. I respect their opinions perfectly, but the review itself was bad, no offence to Alex N. The review struggles to get any point across on any section. It seems as if the writers quickly rushed through the game once, had one shot at a multiplayer stage and "wrote" a review that followed suit with those from other publications who gave it a poor review. A few of the comments aren't just bad and whiny, but sometimes unfounded, and the review itself is boring and uninteresting. Not that it was any better than IGN's review, which was equally boring and nearly unreadable.
This leads me onward. I rented Star Fox: Assault, and flat-out loved it. It's just plain fun, which is really all that matters. The gameplay can be a little clunky, but the on-ground missions are still very entertaining. The arwing action is better than ever, the graphics and sound are very nice and the multiplayer is surprisingly fun. When I take this back to Blockbuster (which will undoubtedly be in a while due to the end of late fees. Actually, I was going to just keep it and pay Blockbuster to restock it, but I realized then I'd be stuck with the hideous rental case without the manual, so I'll return it) I'll buy it on my way home from EB. It's that good. Keep in mind this is coming from a massive, insane Star Fox fan, who actually liked Adventures. But I'm not as bad as my friend. He had the dialogue of the first five levels (for all three paths) memorized in Star Fox 64. Yes, he has a life, don't worry. I don't think he remembers anymore, though.
Tales of Symphonia is so %!#%$*^ frustrating. I kept telling myself that it was me, but some parts are just so annoyingly frustrating (the difficulty being the luck-based rather than the skill-based type) that I have to put it down -- for a while. Well, it's still a great game no doubt, but GRRRRR!!!!
I beat Metroid Prime. Wow. Need I say more. I'll review it later -- I'm still bazy. Nah, I'm just lazy but busy makes it sound like I actually have a reason not to.
I watched the Motorcycle Diaries the other night. It's a very deep film, and it's really easy to understand why Guevera was so loved (well, aside from the people in a little place called the US). I never really knew too much since he was considerably before my time (and what you do here of him is pretty much, 'He helped Castro lead the communist revolution of Cuba') but this is an incredible film. Some great cinematography, and interesting dialogue. Plus there were just great characters -- unlike Sideways, which I ended up seeing. It was a fine movie, but I just didn't like, relate to, or hate any of the characters, so they were very uninteresting. So, yeah, Motorcycle Diaries, two thumbs up.
I've found a new love. Squash. Delicious. I was never a fan before (though I always did love pumpkin pie) but I had it recently and mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. A taste sensation. FIESTA!
I donated to charity -- probably the first donation not towards tsunami relief since the 26th. I just donated a wad of money to the WWF (World Wildlife Fund, idiot, not World Wrestling Federation) and feel pretty good about it. I've always been an environmentalist, and I haven't donated in a little while, aside from my foster child (but that's not exactly environmental :S), so I thought I'd blow some money on a good cause. I guess I'll put off that DS a little longer... again.
I don't exactly seem motivated to get one do I? I just kind of find other things to do with my money. Well I guess I'll need that killer app. Though I've been having a bit of an affair with my Gameboy Color over the last couple weeks. I'm been playing The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons, and Super Mario Bros. Deluxe pretty religiously, and am enjoying it thoroughly. It reminds me of why I used to like handheld gaming so much, and it has rekindled my DeSire a little bit.
That's pretty much my (minus two days) month, summed up in a not-so-easy-to-read entry. Well, everything I'm sharing with you ;)
And you thought I'd never return.
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