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Weaving-A-Dream Blog

Goodbye - It's been fun

Just a couple months ago, at the very beginning of April, I was unknowingly about to face one of the biggest challenges of my life. My wife had a miscarriage. I stayed off of GameSpot, as I sat by my wife's side for a month as we tried to recover from such a loss. Afterwards I became very depressed, sometimes burrowing myself in work to keep busy, and keep from thinking about my poor, unborn child. At the worst point after the miscarriage I was worried we'd be one of those couples that would get a divorce because we were just too sad everytime we looked at each other. But, somehow, our marriage only became stronger. Now I've recovered and my wife is once again pregnant. I am leaving GameSpot, because even though the miscarriage was completely unrelated, I feel like I'll have to be there for my wife and child no matter what, and I can't let video games eat up my time (not that it was ever an issue with my wife in the past, but I didn't want it to become one).

I have a larger thread in Robbie's Fortress of Evil, my main UCB, thanking all of the people who make GameSpot great to me. But for those who don't post there I'd like to give a shout-out to Xanthio, Shleco, CanadianEh, DireRaven, MayorJohnny, and a slew of others who made this such a great place. :) If you're on my friends list then I'd like to thank you. Even if you aren't, I'm sure you helped make this experience better for me.

Bye guys 'n gals. It's been fun.

Curse you, Mark!

After all your rants, ravings and clever words (Heh. Smorgasbord.) I succumbed and got Pac-Pix! :evil:

...Wait, why am I mad?

This game rules! :D Now I see why you were so nutso about it. It's a ton of fun. It isn't the most content-filled game by any means but the novelty of the gameplay is fantastic and it remains consistently fun, at least for as long as I've played it. It's one of the best Pac-Man games since Pac-Man, I'd wager, simply because it once again focuses on a neat, new concept and executes it well.

Now I just have to wait for Kirby and I'll be in DS heaven.

My poor, poor backlog!

Well, my printer broke. I was actually kind of glad when it did, because it gave me a reason to ditch the ol' Canon Bubblejet to get a new one. So I headed up to FutureShop (more-or-less the Canadian equivalent to Best Buy) to get a new one. After a little bit of looking I decided I'd hold out because apparently some sale or price drop or something is happening soon, and I don't really need it working immediately. So I was about to walk out when the video game section caught my eye. Guess what happens next!!!

As a couple of you might know, my stance of handhelds has always been kind of negative. I'm positive when it comes to embracing them both; I love the fact that Nintendo no longer has a monopoly in the handheld sector to encourage competitive pricing, etc. However I can't say I'm always jumping up and down when it came to these two in particular: the DS and the PSP. I like the idea of the dual screen and touch screen, but the game selection was looking pretty mediocre. The PSP was the exact opposite. It didn't have as many gaming features as the DS (I'm not at all interested in the UMD idea, and I already have an MP3 player) and it seemed like a portable console. That's not necessarily a bad thing to some, but I prefer portable games to be more straight-up fun, like puzzlers, racers, or a few light action/adventure games as opposed to an intense RPG (though some I just can't resist). In other words, I simply want a different experience from a portable system. So for the $200.00 price tag on the DS, and the $300.00 price tag on the PSP, they didn't seem worth my while.

Then came E3.

I think that many people can agree that the DS at E3 RULED!!!!!! OMFGTTX!!!! ( :P ) It had so many amazing games to show, the online plan has gotten much fanfare and there's no denying the cuteness of those puppies. The PSP was also good, except it's suffering somewhat from the DS syndrome. The PSP did have a great launch. Twisted Metal, Lumines, Ridge Racer and Wipeout Pure are all pretty great games, but here comes the drought. I see very few games that interest me enough to warrant a $59.99 purchase. Anyways, back to my story...

So the gaming section caught my eye. You know I'm just browsing, maybe wondering if I should get a few games, or a controller or something. Then there's the little portable area. The PSP was made up entirely of sports and racing games (no Lumines, tisk tisk) and I saw the DS. It was like a glowing aura, calling my name. (We share initials. Coincidence, I think not.) So, I bought it! And I gotta say, I love it!!! I got Yoshi T&G, and it's amazing. I think GameSpot looked at it the wrong way. It's a game about getting high scores and competing with yourself (unless you're playing multiplayer) instead of an epic Mario-esque platforming adventure (not that Mario games are epic, but you know what I mean). So yeah, that game is fantastic! Then there's the Metroid demo which is fun, but I haven't spent much time with it yet. Everything, from the bright screen to the Menu set-up to the sound, is phenomenal and the touch-screen is much more responsive than I anticipated when playing games like Yoshi.

I might put up a review later. Speaking of which, I wrote two more reviews, one for Star Fox: Assault and Super Mario Bros. Deluxe. Have a read if you'd like. :)

Undoubtedly one of the worst days of my life

Some really serious personal issues have come up recently, which I won't really want to discuss for a while. I won't be posting at all in the next little while, probably for at least a month, and after that I don't expect to be too active. Maybe just a few stops in the Fortress, and an occasional visit to the VU, but I won't be around here much at all. I do have a great time with a lot of you, so I want to come back, but I won't be able to for a while. I might post in my journal now and again though to keep you guys, my friends, posted on my situation.

Bye, you guys have been great!

Ohmigod ohmigod ohmigod ohmigod!

Bliss is a funny thing! I experienced it just now. Or maybe it was nirvana. No, definitely bliss. Anyways: TA DA!

I'm so excited! I'll have to sacrifice a sheep to the gods to make sure this is really, really true. YAY! *jumps*

Anyways, if you're not excited about Katamari Damacy on DS you have issues. If you are, then you're cool 8). If you do as much as me, you have issues. It all fits! Yay-ness! So excited!

Can you imagine rolling around the giant snowball of junk with the stylus, or the possibilities with two screens. Dear lord, I can't wait.

And if you haven't checked out the Pac-Pix preview, you should do so. It looks very promising.

"Pac-Pix isn't a great-looking game, but it boasts a surprising amount of depth. And at the end of the day, there's just something very satisfying about seeing your Pac-Man in action. Pac-Pix is also one of very few DS games that has clearly been designed specifically with Nintendo's latest handheld in mind. In addition, it arguably puts the stylus and touch screen to better use than any other DS game we've seen. We'll bring you more information on Pac-Pix as its release date closes in."


Wow! A journal entry at GameSpot this week not about the PSP! That must be a record.

Some good DS news overall.

Not today, my friends

I was going to (dis)please you all with a nice rant today, chaps, but since I'm going on vacation for a week (party!!!) I won't be posting or anytihng. I have to go pack my things, then I'll be off. I won't bore you with details of my trip though. This is just something confirming my soon-to-be absentness. Is that a word... I don't quite think it is. Anyhoo...

Well, so long all. And does anybody have any clue what's going on with this whole reader review issue. I haven't been able to post reviews for weeks, but I know for a fact that other people, also basic members who are even a lower level than me can. And I also know that others are having the same problem! It's so frustrating!!! Grrr! Here's where I wish I had some WarioWare to ease my pain. After I'd worked pretty hard on a nice, long review for Metroid Prime and it turns out I can't post it. Urg.


Fantabulistic Edit: I got Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes. *does Irish dance* Awesome! Now I'm going. XD

How About We Embrace Them Both?

Devastating wars have come and gone, empires have collapsed and blood has been spilt in a course of less than 30 years. But possibly the biggest fight in video game history could be upon us -- the battle of the handhelds (also known as Video Game War II: Expansion Pack IV). Pick your side, and fight for your countr... er, company, and lead your empire to victory! But if you're on the wrong side... Wait a minute, why don't we just embrace them both?

Undoubtedly you know all about the DS vs. PSP war which is just on the horizon. Today you probably heard about the DS' new online capabilities (complete with online Animal Crossing), but the PSP (along with the very hyped Lumines) will be readily available in a matter of days. The battle shall begin, and many have chosen their side and are ready to fight! Go anywhere and you'll have threads about why one system will be better, why the PSP's battery life will deteriorate from the experience, why the DS' launch was so terrible, etc. No, these aren't your typical bickerings at the release of a console -- this is an all-out war. Not just between Nintendo and Sony, but between every owner of one or the other. I mean, you can't simply like them both... can you?

Never have I ever seen as many topics about a new console as I have between this upcoming war. People are ever-more resistant to embrace both handhelds, and every-which-way there are new flaws pointed out on one, and issues that need to be resolved. Arguments spew out of control, and for some reason nearly nobody can like both of them! Why not? Who knows. Maybe it's because they're so evenly matched, with so many of their own unique strengths and weaknesses. Maybe because Sony is charting into the previously (nearly) un-challenged handheld market, or maybe because some of the games look so darn good. But maybe, just maybe, it's because out of the starting gate people seem to have this need to buy the "winning" console at launch. Their's has to be the best, and if you shove the right one aside, you'll earn brownie points. Place your bets, people, no turning back.

People everywhere can embrace all the consoles very easily (Xbox, PlayStation 2 and GameCube). People happily talk about owning all 3 of the current leaders, and discuss games for all of the systems. Sure, it was more aggressive in 2001 when all of the consoles were fresh, but finding a multi-console owner, or someone aspiring to be a multi-console owner wasn't difficult at all. But when either of these new handhelds are mentioned, it's suddenly only one that has to be important -- you must own one. Could it be a financial issue? Whenever I contemplate this I hear about how someone re-purchased a console for the sixth time after seeing Resident Evil 4 or Tekken 5. And even if money was a problem, you can still embrace both of these handhelds with open arms. Recognize the benefits of owning each and glare in envy at those who have both, along with every new game for each. Know that both will provide you with a positive experience in gaming, and know that it is all right to like them both. Even though you may not be able to own both.

Just last week the DS was the hot-topic of issue. Everyone said it had such a terrible release. People were boycotting Nintendo left-and-right, and forever casting the DS into the shadows. Nobody looked towards the DS' future. Maybe they didn't want to accept the possibility that despite their pre-purchase and hype of the PSP, it could end up being as good as or *gasp* worse than the DS? Heaven forbid. Perhaps all because of the one glowing review of Lumines and the realization that the DS had a limited hardware release, it was suddenly the next WonderSwan. But now, with online on the DS, and Animal Crossing online, a whole barrage of people are praising Nintendo. They have the experience and franchises to make the DS not only survive, but conquer. The PSP shall fail, and the "casuals" will be owned.

All right, maybe all those points were stupid. Maybe it's just about the games. Obviously each probably favors a particular genre, but the two really aren't that different. The PSP has Lumines. Then again the DS has Meteos, also developed by Q Entertainment. The PSP has a boat-load of driving and racing games. Oh, right, the DS has tons of party/mini-game games. But, the PSP has some unique games like Metal Gear Ac!d, and Rengoku: Tower of Pergatory. That's right, the DS has Lost in Blue and Another Code. Both of the lineups are looking pretty awesome, and while the PSP has a lot of immediate games, the DS has quite a few coming out in the next few months while the PSP's future line-up is in question. Obviously some will prefer games on one over the other, but that really shouldn't lead to such a massive boycott of a product or even company; such a sudden abandonment of something with literally years of potential.

It's time to accept both. More people should be saying, "Hallelujah we have two new consoles to play," as opposed to, "Crap. Time to pick which one is better, and hope this decision follows through." Love them both for their amazing possibilities. Hate them both for their hardware glitches or gimmicks. But, most importantly, accept them both for what they are, and don't start or contribute to this unnecessary war. In simple terms: DS + PSP = More games. More games = More fun. 'Nuff said.

My Triumphant Return

It's been just under a month since I last posted in my journal. Why? Because I'm bazy (busy and lazy). I'm here to make my triumphant return to journal-biz. The latest and the greatest.

Plus I've just had nothing to talk about. Been doing the same old... and to be honest I didn't want to write a journal entry a la Robbie.... just too weird :P

Not that this one's particularly normal -- rather it's stranger than my past entries. Why am I rambling on? Perhaps you'll never know. Okay, on to a topic, I've had my yogurt, I'm calm.

I find GameSpot's Star Fox: Assault review to be piss-poor. I respect their opinions perfectly, but the review itself was bad, no offence to Alex N. The review struggles to get any point across on any section. It seems as if the writers quickly rushed through the game once, had one shot at a multiplayer stage and "wrote" a review that followed suit with those from other publications who gave it a poor review. A few of the comments aren't just bad and whiny, but sometimes unfounded, and the review itself is boring and uninteresting. Not that it was any better than IGN's review, which was equally boring and nearly unreadable.

This leads me onward. I rented Star Fox: Assault, and flat-out loved it. It's just plain fun, which is really all that matters. The gameplay can be a little clunky, but the on-ground missions are still very entertaining. The arwing action is better than ever, the graphics and sound are very nice and the multiplayer is surprisingly fun. When I take this back to Blockbuster (which will undoubtedly be in a while due to the end of late fees. Actually, I was going to just keep it and pay Blockbuster to restock it, but I realized then I'd be stuck with the hideous rental case without the manual, so I'll return it) I'll buy it on my way home from EB. It's that good. Keep in mind this is coming from a massive, insane Star Fox fan, who actually liked Adventures. But I'm not as bad as my friend. He had the dialogue of the first five levels (for all three paths) memorized in Star Fox 64. Yes, he has a life, don't worry. I don't think he remembers anymore, though.

Tales of Symphonia is so %!#%$*^ frustrating. I kept telling myself that it was me, but some parts are just so annoyingly frustrating (the difficulty being the luck-based rather than the skill-based type) that I have to put it down -- for a while. Well, it's still a great game no doubt, but GRRRRR!!!!

I beat Metroid Prime. Wow. Need I say more. I'll review it later -- I'm still bazy. Nah, I'm just lazy but busy makes it sound like I actually have a reason not to.

I watched the Motorcycle Diaries the other night. It's a very deep film, and it's really easy to understand why Guevera was so loved (well, aside from the people in a little place called the US). I never really knew too much since he was considerably before my time (and what you do here of him is pretty much, 'He helped Castro lead the communist revolution of Cuba') but this is an incredible film. Some great cinematography, and interesting dialogue. Plus there were just great characters -- unlike Sideways, which I ended up seeing. It was a fine movie, but I just didn't like, relate to, or hate any of the characters, so they were very uninteresting. So, yeah, Motorcycle Diaries, two thumbs up.

I've found a new love. Squash. Delicious. I was never a fan before (though I always did love pumpkin pie) but I had it recently and mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. A taste sensation. FIESTA!

I donated to charity -- probably the first donation not towards tsunami relief since the 26th. I just donated a wad of money to the WWF (World Wildlife Fund, idiot, not World Wrestling Federation) and feel pretty good about it. I've always been an environmentalist, and I haven't donated in a little while, aside from my foster child (but that's not exactly environmental :S), so I thought I'd blow some money on a good cause. I guess I'll put off that DS a little longer... again.

I don't exactly seem motivated to get one do I? I just kind of find other things to do with my money. Well I guess I'll need that killer app. Though I've been having a bit of an affair with my Gameboy Color over the last couple weeks. I'm been playing The Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Seasons, and Super Mario Bros. Deluxe pretty religiously, and am enjoying it thoroughly. It reminds me of why I used to like handheld gaming so much, and it has rekindled my DeSire a little bit.

That's pretty much my (minus two days) month, summed up in a not-so-easy-to-read entry. Well, everything I'm sharing with you ;)

And you thought I'd never return.

I'm in a pickle....

God, that's a lame expression. :P

Anyways, as I recently confessed in the Evilest of Fortresses, I've never owned a Gameboy Advances (or SP). Stop! Before the tomato hurling, and rioting begin. I'm still very interested in getting one. So, I'm thinking that maybe I should just go ahead and get an SP for a very cheap $99.00! But then again, I could save up another $100 and get a DS, which I know I'll end up purchasing eventually for Super Mario Bros., Final Fantasy 3, and Another. This is where I'm confused. Should I wait another couple of months and get a DS, or should I spend the money I have in my pocket now and get a GBA SP?

Luckily there's that whole backwards compatible deal going on with the DS, but I juts don't know if I can wait that long. *sigh* Actually, I think it all comes down to how long Metroid Prime, Eternal Darkness and Paper Mario will last me. If I beat those before I approach the $200 I need (Canadian), then I'll probably ditch the saving plan and get an SP. Still, the uncertainty....

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