I don't want to come off as a whiner, as in my last entry I commented on the slight degradation of the Virtual Underground, but the GameCube forum is an absolute wreck! If it wasn't for GodsGroovyGamer's recent reincarnation of the GameCube Recommendation Thread (and a good one at that), and the occasional Everything Resident Evil, or Off-Topic Lounge, then I think I would proclaim it virtually dead. While most of the users are kind, nice people, among all the jambles of incoherent topic titles, the only words you can make out are "Nintendo", "Dead", "Kiddy", "Revolution", "Mario Rehashed", or other words to that affect. I don't even know why I bother (occasionally) posting there anymore. Aside from a few users who are generally great (The previously mentioned GodsGroovyGamer being one), all I come across are whiners, depressed people, arrogant fanboys, or System Wars users throwing a few insults here or there.
I'm not saying I have a major life (I mean I DO post on GameSpot after all ;) ), but I don't come on here to ask people what colour their GameCube is. I come for quality topics, and good discussions. So many of the posts are downright ridiculous, and the most popular thread lately is "Should Nintendo Quit", or "Is Nintendo Too Kiddy". Throw in some misspelled words, major grammar mishaps and a few very questionable uses of slightly intelligible words, and you've got the latest version of the GameCube forum! VVelcom. wer eeven qualitier than b4!!11 HUZAH!