I must say, I'm rather impressed with myself lately. Normally I leave all of my Christmas shopping to a short window between the 20-24 of December. However, I have almost all of my shopping done already, and nearly all of my Christmas decorations up! Kudos to me! While I can't get too cocky, because I'm sure I've forgotten something, I'm just glad that I'll have some stress and weight off my shoulders so that I can actually enjoy the days leading up to Christmas and Christmas Eve, instead of spending every waking minute scattering around trying to mend, buy, make, decorate, and such and such. Still, I bet there'll be some Christmas hazard like there always seems to be. Like last year, when the Christmas tree fell over on the dog, or two years previous when my father fell off the roof when fixing a few bulbs on the roof on Christmas Eve. I just hope this year can be as normal as possible... well, at least for my family! =p
However, on the note of having things finished I've finally finished Starfox Adventures! The game took me extra long because I encountered a glitch and had to restart, but now everything is said and done. I must say, it's quite an amusing game, and I was impressed by it. It was far better than what many people say, as it appears to have churned out quite a negative and nit-picky fanbase, but I thought it was good, despite some plain combat which got pretty stale after a while. You can expect a review up soon, but I'm not in the mood right now. ^.^
Now, I shall be moving on to Tales of Symphonia. I had it, and lost if for quite a while. I didn't want to get a new copy, because I knew that the minute that I got home I'd see it in some stupid, obvious place and just get mad at myself. But, I found it half way through Starfox Adventures, and I shall being playing it soon. Not tonight though, I have plans. All is well and good. Except for that dishwasher of mine. It's having some pretty serious malfunctions. Occasionally spurting out random water, not turning off, getting jammed, the whole shibang. I think it's about time to say goodbye to the old bird, and go for a model that isn't slightly dated. Oh, if only Santa were real... Well, apart from that little defect, everything's wrapping up nicely.