God, that's a lame expression. :P
Anyways, as I recently confessed in the Evilest of Fortresses, I've never owned a Gameboy Advances (or SP). Stop! Before the tomato hurling, and rioting begin. I'm still very interested in getting one. So, I'm thinking that maybe I should just go ahead and get an SP for a very cheap $99.00! But then again, I could save up another $100 and get a DS, which I know I'll end up purchasing eventually for Super Mario Bros., Final Fantasy 3, and Another. This is where I'm confused. Should I wait another couple of months and get a DS, or should I spend the money I have in my pocket now and get a GBA SP?
Luckily there's that whole backwards compatible deal going on with the DS, but I juts don't know if I can wait that long. *sigh* Actually, I think it all comes down to how long Metroid Prime, Eternal Darkness and Paper Mario will last me. If I beat those before I approach the $200 I need (Canadian), then I'll probably ditch the saving plan and get an SP. Still, the uncertainty....