Bliss is a funny thing! I experienced it just now. Or maybe it was nirvana. No, definitely bliss. Anyways: TA DA!
I'm so excited! I'll have to sacrifice a sheep to the gods to make sure this is really, really true. YAY! *jumps*
Anyways, if you're not excited about Katamari Damacy on DS you have issues. If you are, then you're cool 8). If you do as much as me, you have issues. It all fits! Yay-ness! So excited!
Can you imagine rolling around the giant snowball of junk with the stylus, or the possibilities with two screens. Dear lord, I can't wait.
And if you haven't checked out the Pac-Pix preview, you should do so. It looks very promising.
"Pac-Pix isn't a great-looking game, but it boasts a surprising amount of depth. And at the end of the day, there's just something very satisfying about seeing your Pac-Man in action. Pac-Pix is also one of very few DS games that has clearly been designed specifically with Nintendo's latest handheld in mind. In addition, it arguably puts the stylus and touch screen to better use than any other DS game we've seen. We'll bring you more information on Pac-Pix as its release date closes in."
Wow! A journal entry at GameSpot this week not about the PSP! That must be a record.
Some good DS news overall.