The majority of PC gamers don't even need this kind of stuff. Yeah its nice sure, but most people who game on PC enjoy it because of the freedom, flexibility and game re-playability that you just don't get on a console. Thousands of people still play the original Half Life, Doom and Quake and many other so called "old" games because new content is always being made to keep it fun, as well as various other enhancements. PC gamers want to keep games going, console gamers just want the next sequel every 12-18 months. Very few people care to have every single game running at 60fps with higher than 1080P resolutions and insane amounts of graphics filtering.
What an utterly pointless comparison article. Most multiplatform games on consoles will look exactly the same in motion, you won't notice any difference at all. If you want to focus purely on consoles, compare the exclusive games. If you want to compare multiplatform games, throw PC into the mix, especially in the case of Dragon Age seeing as that game was developed to be played on one.
Am I the only one that thinks the blood effects in Gears2 are greatly inferior to that of Gears1? The first one made blood like like a spray when you dug in with your chainsaw. In Gears2 it looks like red paste or something. And also, why the constant graphics comparisons GameSpot? Are you really that obsessed now?
Still images cannot convey the sheer enjoyment you can get gaming from a PC. Yes the PC does look better, sometimes drastically in all these shots. Now imagine playing it and seeing it run at 60fps. Not 30fps as is common with most of your console games. Add to that superior control methods are available for games that require precision, and you can plug in a gamepad for those games that work better with it. And you can plug your PC into your TV, just as easily as a console. Of course it comes at a steeper price if you want to get the most from your game, but it can be hard to game on a console once you have gotten used to the versatility and enjoyment of PC gaming.
And I have to add, you ran the tests through HDMI cables and only ran at 720P? Seriously? Do it again at 1080P and do it right. Both consoles are capable.
What is the point of these comparisons? Both the consoles will give you an indistinguishable difference between one another, and no version is so drasically better on any of these games that warrants purchasing one system over the other. Seriously GameSpot, if you want to be so focused on nothing but graphics in all these comparisons, then at least throw the PC in so you can show just how inferior the consoles are in that department. Otherwise start doing some features which are actually useful.
Get it through your heads people, Sony should not and more than likely will not put a second analog stick in a PSP redesign. That is honestly a stupid thing to do from a business and customer loyalty perspective. How would you feel if you bought a PSP, only one day to find out they bring out another redesign with another analog stick? It'd almost be like buying a new PC every few years if you want to keep playing games. If there is ever going to be a second analog stick, it will be in PSP2. Wait it out until that time if you want it so damn badly. The redesign of this PSP-3000 though, I was honestly expecting more. Not really worth upgrading if you already had a PSP-2000. Its a nice upgrade, but is it worth the price of paying for another PSP? Not really. Especially not if you live here in Australia where they cost $280.
Why do Gamespot's performance reviews of graphics cards always differ so drastically to what it is everywhere else? This is completely stupid, look at the Crysis benchmark especially. A 4870X2 performing exactly the same as a single 4870? Something is seriously screwed up with your computer setup's Gamespot.
Heh... I love how the Mac lovers all shout how Vista tries to imitate Mac OS X. Get over yourselves. Microsoft has a good product, just accept it and keep using your precious Macs. Nobody is forcing you to use Vista, so stop opening your mouths and making yourselves look like idiots. Apple themselves are no better, making TV commercials that blatantly insult how Vista works. Talk about jealousy that they don't have a 90% market share.
Weddum's comments